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I was running. Running from the gunfire which surrounded me from every direction. In frustration, I closed my ears by putting my fingers in them. Without any reason tears formed in my eyes, and uneasy heaviness settled on my chest. I was running in total darkness, no idea where it led me.
Then I saw some light shining inside a room. I sighed in relief, wiped my tears and entered the room.

I was terrified by what I saw. In front of me, many dead bodies were laid on the ground like the floor of the forest, covered with flowers in Spring. The whole room was filled with blood. I bit down a horrible scream as I found some familiar faces.

"Y/N." A familiar voice whispered.

I turned and saw the most dreadful seen I could ever imagine.
Suga was standing in front of me, but he didn't look like himself. He had no shine in his eyes like he always had, instead, there was nothing in his eyes. His eyes said nothing about him, they were deathly empty. His lips were pressed in a thin line, not letting me know anything about his feelings. The most horrifying part about him was that his hands were soaked in blood as if he had just torn apart someone's chest.

"Suga," I whispered, horrified upon what I saw.

When he heard his name his lips spread into a smile. But there was nothing sweet in it, it was lifeless. Then, his expression changed. He became alert. I felt something pass me as the air around me stirred. When I turned around, I saw Suga holding a man, the mall man, between his hands. The mall man was holding a knife pointed at me. Suga quickly knocked the knife out of his hand and snapped his neck as it was a chip. I gasped loudly as his dead body dropped on the floor, easily mixing with the other corpses.

Suga turned back to me with his unsettling smile. He stretched his hands out to me. Strangely, I saw fresh blood trickling down his hand even though he didn't cut the man once. He gave me a puzzled look and I realized he wanted me to hold his hand. I was stuck. I didn't want to hold his hand, he wasn't the Suga I knew. This is someone else, someone I didn't know. He gave me a confused look when I didn't hold his hand. He needed me, I reminded myself. I fake smiled and slowly placed my hand in his. He gave me his empty smile. It didn't make my heart flutter like it usually did, instead, a creepy feeling crept on me. He pulled me close to him and there was no grace in his movements like there used to be.

"Don't ever leave my side, Y/N. I need you near me." Suga rested his forehead on mine.

Then, in an instant, the scene changed and now we were standing on a mountain. When I pulled away and looked down, I yelped, not able to control myself anymore.
We were standing on a pile of dead bodies. I looked at Suga, who was watching me with a deadly intensity.

"What happened, Y/N? Are you okay?" He asked, his voice was lifeless.

"Y-Yeah." I nodded.

The corner of his mouth slightly turned up into his creepy smile. He offered me his hand, again. I looked at his hand and was shocked to see the blood still clinging to them like his sudden creepiness. I restrained myself to gasp and reluctantly gave him my hand which he gladly took. His uncanny smile grew bigger. I tried not to show disgust as some of the blood from his hands got smeared on mine. I felt gross, I felt as if I was sharing a crime with him. I felt as if I had helped him kill all the people who laid below us, and somewhere deep I knew that I did help him in a way. It was my fault he killed all these people. I didn't stop him. In other words, I was his partner in crime. I was too lost in trying to win him over that I let him do whatever he wanted, instead I encouraged him in a way. I had to stop him before it was too late. But, I was afraid that I will hurt him in the process.

"Y/N, I won't let anyone hurt you and if someone tries I will kill the person," Suga answered me. "You are the only one I have after her."

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