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"Suga, tell me. I want to know." I waited for an answer but he kept quiet, so I spoke. "You told me you are a playboy, so why don't you use me as one of your hookups? Why don't you touch me? Why don't you play with my heart? Why do you keep distance between us? Why don't you?" I continued even when I saw him getting hurt by my harsh words. "Tell me, Suga." Still, he didn't say anything. "Please, Suga, I need to know," I begged. I cupped his cheek lightly and my nose twitched as I was on the verge of crying.

When he saw my face his expression softened. He sighed and closed his eyes. After opening his eyes he took both of my hands in his and pulled me close to him. His actions surprised me slightly. I looked at our hands, his thumbs caressing the back of my hands. I met his intense gaze. I wanted to kiss him so badly but I restrained my wish.

"Y/N." He softly said my name. "I don't use you to pleasure myself. I don't use you as my hookup. I don't touch you. I don't play with your heart. I don't because...................I have started considering you a friend and I would never hurt my friends. I know I have only known you for 2-3 days but I already consider you as my friend. A friend who takes care of me, but not pamper me. You snap at me, most of the time and I like it. I like the way you correct me and yell playfully at me when I do something wrong. I like the way you treat me, as a friend, a close friend. I don't have any friends except for Namjoon, Seokjin Hyung, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook but they are busy with their lives. They do care for me but not as you do, you are always by my side, always fulfilling my needs. I know at first I didn't you here but now I want the exact opposite. I need you. I need you in life to make me happy, make me smile at your childish behaviour, snap at your bossy self and laugh at your dirty jokes. I need you to heal my wounds and make me feel alive because after so many years I have forgotten how to enjoy the most beautiful moments in life."

He had an innocent expression on his face. All those things he said I never thought he felt this way about me in a short period. I was trying so hard not to cry after his emotional speech. Though it was hard to hear the word friend from his mouth I felt closer to him. I would never leave him alone. I needed him just the way he needed me.

I hugged him, not planning to let go. He hugged me back, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Suga, it doesn't matter if you want to be friends with me cause I will always try to be more than that." I playfully said in his neck.

He chuckled. "I can live with that. I just want you with me all the time."

"Awwwww, isn't it sweet. You are finally falling for me." I pulled away from him to see his reaction.

"I am not." He blushed.

I kissed his cheek. "Don't worry you already are my friend."

He gave me a cute shocked expression while he blinked his eyes. He didn't seem to hear my words as he was too shocked by the kiss.

"Don't look so cute otherwise I'll kiss you, on the lips this time." I teased.

He quickly wiped his expression off his face, he looked embarrassed and ran his hand through his hair.

I laughed at his shyness and pinched his cheeks.

"I can't believe how can someone not fall for you," I said before walking away, leaving him confused. 

Suga joined me on the couch after some time.

"I am getting bored," I complained to him.

"Do something what girls usually do. Scrolling through Instagram." He suggested.

"Suga, I thought you would have known me by now. I am not like other girls." I made a face.

"Let's watch a movie then."

"Sure. I'll bring popcorns." I said in excitement.

I returned with a bowl of popcorn from the kitchen. Suga took the bowl from me and started eating.

The movie started and I snuggled close to him. I rested my head on his shoulder, trying to feel his warmth around me.

"What are you trying to do?" He said, his attention focused on the screen.

"Can't I even sit relaxingly?" I snapped.

"Why don't you rest your head on the pillow. I'm sure it is fluffier than my shoulder." He still didn't take his eyes off the screen.

"But I don't want fluffy. I want a muscular shoulder." I pouted.

"Okay. Just shush."

I decided to sleep. I comfortably clung to him and closed my eyes. The exhaustion of the past conversation sunk in and I was lost in deep sleep.

I woke up after a good sleep of two hours. I looked from the corner of my eyes. In my left to see Suga sleeping with his head resting on my head. I smiled. We were sitting close and almost cuddling. I got excited and my smile grew bigger. I can't believe how close we two have grown from the past two days.

It won't take long for him to fall for me too, for him to love me back the way I love him.

I carefully rested his head on the pillow and got up. I yawned. My mood had freshened after sleep and I was hungry.

Gosh, I was getting hungry a lot these days. This was all Suga's fault, he made me work all day. If I kept eating like this I would become fat and it would be his fault if I didn't look hot when I'll be fat.

I prepared something to eat and woke up Suga. He got up and stretched.

"I am hungry." He rubbed his eyes.

"Food is on the table. Let's eat."

We sat down on the dining table.

"You know just what I want." He grinned.

I chuckled at his comment and we ate. I put the plates in the sink and returned.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked him as he had his head rested on the table and was about to go to sleep.

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