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"I-um-I-ah." I tried to come up with a lie. "I had an itch so............ I was scratching." I said unsurely, even I didn't believe me.

"Shut up! Boys tie her again, tighter, this time." He gave me an angry look and before going away.

Two men rushed to me and started tying my ropes. But I wasn't going to make this easy for them. I struggled a lot, making it difficult for them to tie me. It had been a few minutes and they weren't able to tie my ropes. It really annoyed the mall man when I bit one of his men. 

He walked up to me and decided to tie the rope himself. "Hold her legs and hands." He ordered. Both of the men obeyed him and held my limb, resisting me to move. The mall man tied me in seconds and turned to me with a scowl. "Can you not provoke us to kill you? We have to hand you to our leader, unharmed. But you are making this simple task very difficult for us." He sized my chin not-so-gently in his hand. 

I tried to get out of his grip but he was too strong for me. "You still have time. Let me go, cause once Suga gets here you are all going to die." I spat.

He freed my face with a jerk. I looked at him with a victorious smile knowing I had gotten on his last nerve. "Why are you so full of confidence? Your Suga isn't coming here. He won't be able to find this place. And I am getting bored by your useless threats. I have a lot of time before the leader arrives, why don't I pass my time by playing with you?" He suggested to himself. 

My smile disappeared from my face once I saw the evil smirk on his face with which he advanced forward. He stopped when he was face to face with me. I gulped in fear, I wasn't able to think what was about to happen next.

"I like you silent. Now, that I can see your face I am amazed by your beauty. You are so pretty." He bit his lower lip. 

"Stay away," I warned him as he leaned in closer to me.

"Or what?" He pulled my hair causing me to look up and he had a better axis to my neck.

"You will regret this." I panicked.

He was so close to me. I wanted to push him away but my hands were tied. He took this as an advantage and kissed my neck. I felt disgusted at the contact. I shook myself to get away from him but he just held my chair in place and looked at me. "Say goodbye to your attitude." He smirked and leaned in to kiss me.

I didn't want him near me and he was about to kiss me. Wow, my life is really awesome. I tried to move but his grip tightened on my chair making it impossible for me to budge. I couldn't move. I could only watch in horror. His lips were just above mine, they were about to touch mine.

"Keep your filthy hands off her or I swear I will f****** kill you!" An angry voice threatened.

The mall man stopped and turned to face the intruder. I was suddenly filled with joy as I heard the voice of the person I admired. His voice calmed me down in an instant and making me full of confidence. 

"Suga!" I shrieked in pleasure. My eyes fell upon him and they lit up with happiness. When our eyes met, his angry expression turned delightful. His lips turned into a smile and he forgot about everything else. Then I suddenly remembered the stupid mall man's leader was coming here. I became alert. My face fell and I could see the consequences before my eyes if that bastard showed up and engulfed in a fight with Suga. I roamed my eyes and saw the others standing with him. Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were standing beside each other. All of them had guns in their hands ready to shoot. "You all shouldn't be here, their leader is coming here." I was worried. 

The mall man sharply turned to me and kicked my leg causing me to groan in pain. "Can't you keep your mouth shut?!" He glared.

"Yah! If you touch her again I will make you regret it!" Suga shot him a death glare.

The man shifted uneasily and turned to his men. "What are you all waiting for? Attack!" He ordered.

All six men rushed toward them with their guns ready. All were quickly engaged in fighting except for Suga and the mall man. There was gunfire ringing in my ears. I was scared, scared if Suga got hurt.

"I have never seen a coward in my life who hides behind a tied girl to save his life. Where is your dignity? Come on, fight like a man." Suga provoked the man. It worked, he scoffed and advanced towards Suga. I could only watch in utter disbelief as Suga dropped his gun on the ground and smiled coldly. "Let's have a real fight." He kicked the gun out of the mall man's hand. The man gave him a puzzled look but got ready to fight anyway. Suga smiled dreadfully and punched his stomach. The man stepped back with an off and clutched his stomach. "Oh, I am going to enjoy this," Suga said, pleased. He moved forward, ready to kick but the man lashed out and pushed his shoulder. Suga's face covered in pain but quickly faded as his eyes glimmered and lips turned into a snarl. As fast as an angry viper he strikes and caught the man's neck in one hand but he didn't snap it, he wanted to play with the man. Suga pushed him so he fell on the floor and kicked him. The man groaned. Suga crouched down and poked his stomach. "Get up and fight." Suga got up. The man slowly got up, he blinked his eyes to focus. He wasn't even standing straight when Suga elbowed his face. The man cried out in pain. 

I was watching all this with fear painted on my face. What had happened to Suga? Why was he playing with the man? He had an evil gleam in his eyes and his lips spread into a devilish smirk. He was enjoying this. When did he become a sadist?

The man punched Suga's jaw. A horrible crack echoed throughout the room rising above the gunfires. I thought his jaw had broken. But Suga just chuckled and punched the man's gut. He quickly recovered and punched Suga's face tearing the corner of his lips. Blood trickled down his chin as he grinned like a mad man. Suga moved so quickly that his movements were a blur and he elbowed the man's neck. When the man was about to fall down he quickly sieved his neck and beat his back. The man looked like he was about to pas out. When Suga let go of him he instantly collapsed on the floor with a loud thud. He didn't even turn around, Suga turned him around to face him and sat on his stomach. The man wasn't dead, he was just tired. His eyes were half-closed and he looked exhausted. 

"Don't ever mess with me!" Suga punched his chest repeatedly. Only some energy was left in him if Suga didn't stop he would die. "And don't you dare touch Y/N again!" Suga yelled before he raised his fist, ready to kill the man in just one blow.

"Suga!" I called, pulling him out of his trance. 

Suga looked at me with his fist in the air. Our eyes met and when he saw my expression, a mixture of horror and pleading, his features relaxed and his expression softened. The mad gleam in his eyes slowly died down and worry covers his face, worry for me. Then he turned his head to the man. "Go and tell the idiot boss of yours to stop making my life hell." He snapped and let the man go. The man scurried out of the basement hastily.

Suga came to me. His eyes were full of concern and joy at the same time. His clothes were soaked in blood and he looked very scary. But the look on his face wasn't scary at all, it was sane. He quickly untied my ropes and stepped away from me. I was puzzled at his actions, why was he getting away from me?

I slowly stood up. "Suga," I whispered.

"Y/N." He whispered back unsurely.

Why was he acting so strange? Why was he growing away from me?

I opened my mouth to say something but no sound came out. The room rolled in front of my eyes. I was exhausted and before I could do anything my knees buckled. I was about to fall down. Instantly two strong arms caught me and before I could fall and I was slumped against a hard chest as darkness surrounded me. 

Fighters, how did you find this chapter?!
Please like and comment if you liked the 'dark' Suga. 
I really put my efforts in it and it turned out to be okay.
As I said earlier I have a hard time writing the 'dark' side of Suga, but not anymore. I finally did it! I am sooooooo proud of myself. 
Anyway, I have bad news. 😔
I won't be able to update regularly as I have my exams coming up. I have to study.
I don't study during the sessions and now I have to stay up late and study during the examination time.
I guess I should stop watching run episodes and start studying. 
Nah, that ain't gonna happen. 😜 
I will just have to memorise every line of my book now. 
Wish me luck! 
I'll try to update for you if possible.
Until then, Stay Gold! 😁

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