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Naruto POV

It's been a while since the whole sand incident the akatsuki got away but we destroyed there nearest hideout making it inoperable.

The sand is structurally rebuilt and far more secure than it used to be thanks to me supplying a shadow clone work force to be extra hands for the reconstruction I did enjoy spending a few weeks there because Gaara introduced me to all the places he could and we grew quite close we shared each other's life stories and just had a great time he was so upset that I was leaving that his sand automatically tried to block the way and he had actually struggled to move the sand as it fought against his control which honestly tells me that his mom must have really taken a liking to me because her Spirit is in his sand. Besides I could tell it was her instead of Shukaku. Speaking of which I actually improved Gaaras seal so he could sleep and not worry. I also say there and had a lecture for the one tails through Gaara who helped bring me into his mind scape. I also was low key jealous because I still can't enter my own and talk to kurama. But needless to say I introduced myself to the sand spirit and let him know that if he actively makes life hard on Gaara ima give him something to be afraid about. But I also let him know that he had Gaara could possibly start a friendship.

Currently I'm sitting in my office in my house because Haku had put together a stack of files of all of those who had approached him who want to be in my " harem " that he approves of the stack isn't filled with many but it's pretty detailed.

Now it's up to me to approve of  them or not  apparently. Haku also said that each of these files also has a letter from each person.

Let's start it off

Tayuya  letter " hey there blondie I let's be honest you have me a second chance at life and for that second life I've been hakus right hand woman in this whole harem journey you already know I'm in
Ps. Haku said you couldn't decline this one even if you wanted lmfao


Well that's two people who would be long dead if not for me changing what has happened in this world who are in love with me, Haku and tayuya. Well I can get used to that next letter.


The letter reads
" Naruto kun I've always liked you ever since we first met and you saved me from those Bullies. You are my inspiration to get stronger and do my best I've always watched you and always cared about you. I was happy when you started dating Haku but I felt I had missed out on the chance of a lifetime with being with the person whom i love but since this chance has come up I'm taking it I don't want to feel like I'm losing you ever again......... I know I'm not attractive like most people but so I hope you don't hate me after reading this....


The rest is scribbled out in clear embarrassment.

Aww how cute I'm gonna let her know I have feelings for her too . After all she was my first crush in my last life.



I write this letter because I've honestly feel like there is no one I'd rather spend my life with than you. You are my best friend and my comrade we've already talked about this on that date we had but I really can't find myself liking any one else like this.



I fondly dream about the days you taught me your sword technique and I would like to learn all sort of things from you especially love 

Approved .

Jeez there are many more

Let's start going through

175 files later. Here a list of the approved


Needless to say if this is all the people currently in the leaf village who applied I can't imagine who else out there likes me it's so confusing I honestly did not see most of these coming but whatever's happening is happening I am willing to be a in relationship with these people as they  are important people to me who also happen to be attractive in my eyes. Well looks like life's gonna get interesting from here on out oh sage of six paths what kind of shitty harem anime have you turned my precious Naruto into.

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