First part of the joirney

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(Authors note as of right now I'm not gonna show
You hakus mission but let's just say by the time Naruto returns to the village even people like danzo, and obito would have come across things like
The photos, and let's just say it's the start of the international Naruto uzumaki-namikaze fan club.  Naruto will experience weird shit on his journey such as randomly finding pictures of him and having feel the presence of people watching him.)

Naruto pov

the first place me and jiraiya arrived was the uzushio ruins because there is a time limit on how long can things stay preserved and to our surprise me and him had to stay on high alert do to hundreds of protection seals that remained even on the ruins that could easily kill us thankfully on the way here I had learned everything left behind by mito uzumaki including learning how to completely control chakra chains that my body produces, and higher level fuinjutsu than even my parents or pervy sage knew.

After a week of disarming traps with the help of shadow clones we were able to freely move around the ruins of the village. We found many things including death masks jutsu scrolls, historic records, political records and most impressively I found the tomb of ashina uzumaki who was a former clan head and the best fuinjutsu user in all of known history inside his tomb he had all of his personal jutsu, fuinjutsu, theories, weapons and information he collected throughout his life. Needless to say I took it all and placed flowers in respect of the man. I wound up learning all of his teachings easily since I had two thousand shadow clones and myself practice it I also learned more about my clan. I even managed to complete his theories on fuinjutsu he couldn't complete, making me the knew greatest fuinjutsu user of all time, however I admit it's a combination of luck, heritage, my soul being ashura me the one who uzumaki and senju descend from and the fact that well like I said luck. ( it pays off being the literal chosen one) Jiraiya managed to get up to mito uzumaki level of fuinjutsu but he realized he was stumped beyond that so he was content with getting as good as he got but would mumble occasionally about uzumaki genes when I was doing seals he couldn't understand.

We left uzushio after about two months of staying there I also had my shadow clones rebuild the village and fortify it with my own seals making it's so the village can't ever be destroyed, vandalized, taken over by nature and so on. I also made a privacy barrier to hide its presence because I wish to one day revive the uzumaki clan.  We then went to the closet ninja village other than the leaf from the land of whirlpools which so happened to be the land of mist the place was hectic to say the least with the nation divided in two with the civil war us being leaf ninja were met with resistance at first but that stopped once both sides realized that we were the duo of the toad sage sanin and child of the fourth hokage which even though I'm only chunin I'm still decently respected and feared by some people do to it being public knowledge I mastered all of my fathers Arsenal. So I'm other words when a sanin and the yellow flash 2.0 with the power of the kyuubi are just casually traveling across the land, vast majority of people who know the risk won't make enemies out of them.

We made it known that we were neutral in the fibula war and only wished to speak separately to the two leaders about the mists jinchuriki. We first spoke
To The rebels leader mei but even though she listened she seemed far more interested in gazing at me the conversation went well but I couldn't help but feel a shiver down my spine do to her gaze.

We then with medium difficulty got a meeting with yagura the mizukage and jinchuriki of the three tailed beast. However I knew he was under obitos genjutsu so I had to find a way to remove it without it seeming like I knew it before hand so I have to make him somehow reveal it.

Yagura " so what is it you wish to speak about? "

Naruto " we wish to speak about the security of the jinchuriki "

He froze for and for a split second you could see the sharingan appear in his eyes but then it vanished meaning he was now be used as a puppet to talk through by obito.

Yagura /obito " continue...."

Naruto " oh your eyes I saw the sharingan in them for a second I guess the rebels were right you must be under control of a sharingan jutsu. Must be lingering effect after the uchiha massacare that causes disruption I heard about it form my friend shisui if a victim is under a long term sharingan genjutsu but the caster of the jutsu dies and the jutsu isn't removed it could cause many psychological problems and abnormalities to the victim. "

His eyes narrowed and I could feel the anger of obito from it being exposed but he realized the way I worded it means I believe the caster of the jutsu had died so he must be aware that he can't expose himeself by having yagura attack me and must accept the loss of this puppet.

Yagura /obito" if what you say is true then if you know of the way to remove said genjutsu I would appreciate it and once more be my normal self. "

Obito said as he continued to be discreet despite the oblivious upset from the situation.

I then smiled and walked up to. Him and used a special seal to end the genjutsu

Yagura " huh what happened where am I...... these memories what have I done?!?!? "

Jiraiya " calm down lord mizukage your fine now my apprentice dispelled the effects of a sharingan puppet genjutsu that was casted on you some time ago any actions your upset with we're not your own. "

We spoke with him and over a months time he surrendered the village the the revolutionary army we had him pardoned by the knew mizukage mei as we informed her of the genjutsu  which they already suspected none the less it was positive for them as they now got the kind yagura back as a loyal shinobi to the village under there supervision which is good because he is a kage level ninja and has a perfect bond with his tailed beast. We were rewarded for our efforts as they agreed to a jinchuriki protection alliance where every village who agrees to it will prevent their jinchuriki or tailed beast to fall into outside hands and we agree to not use the power of tailed beasts against each other it's a mild "alliance " but it's a start in the ground work to build upon better alliances and peace. I also  put a invisible seal on yagura preventing any genjutsu from effecting him which will work against everything below infinite tsukiyomi levels.

I also did it for me and jiraiya as well.

Outside the village

Naruto " pervy sage you saw how he spoke before we released him right "

Jiraiya " indeed  the genjutsu users is still alive huh and we know it's not itachi.

Obito POV

That uzumaki brat is far smarter and more capable than I realized to be able to notice such mild details, I've heard rumors in the past but to think the blonde child who befriended shisui uchiha was none other the the nine tails host and senseis son this makes things far more complicated especially with the loss of one of my pawns we may have to delay the capturing of the tailed beasts longer to better prepare, I must be ready if I'm fighting the yellow flash with ninetails chakra and shisui's knowledge on the sharingan.........


What a fine young man that Naruto was I can't wait to see him when he grows into a more proper man after all I have seen the photos that some of my younger kunoichi have about him apparently there is hundred of variants of these photos of the boy and they are treasured  as collectibles so much so I spotted that people would take photos of him when he went around the village. And to think he was the one to break yagura out of a genjutsu with such high level it was comparable to one from shisui the teleporter is quite interesting. I guess I will be the one to spread the news about this feat I'm sure my kunoichi will work harder since they had a idol that inspired them.

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