Gathering the initial harem members

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Naruto POV

I'm quite nervous because right now I'm currently going to go and meet up with each person I have approved of which apparently is going to be extra awkward because they don't even know if Haku approved of them let alone if I was ever going to see it. I decided to do this efficiently and to do that I needed to start off with the one place that I knew I could find two of the people. The hyuuga compound.

I made my way to the compound and was let in by the guards as they were aware of my friendship with both of the hyuuga. I figured I'd start with hinata first.

After a waiting in a room a branch member brought hinata to me and then promptly left.

Hinata " o-oh Naruto-kun. How ar-are you? "

Naruto " I'll be honest I'm doing fine but I'm a little overwhelmed lately. As you know Haku has been trying to scout additional partners for me. Which in itself kinda weird for me because I am or at Lear thought of myself as monogamous all my life. So I always kinda thought of it as a joke. But as you can tell it's gotten quite serious so much so after I came home from my mission in the sand he gave me a stack of people who've approached him about applying to be with me, as strange as I find it that people like me in that way to begin with. Apparently he had sorted it down from thousands of requests to a few hundred he would be ok approving of. And I'm sure you realized I'm here because you were among them. "

Hinata  was frozen solid with her handles slightly trembling

Naruto " I'll be honest I've always had a emotional and physical attraction to you and could tell you were slightly interested in me but I always felt as if I was not worthy of a partner such as your self being a the hyuuga clan heir and all but given how much has changed In my world these last few years I will admit  I've grown as well and given the situation I can't refuse everyone that comes along but I can at least choose to accept those who I am comfortable giving my heart to. And to be honest I would be quite happy  to be with you if your willing to share me, given you are the first person I have ever felt love towards. "

Still trembling she then lunges forward arms around me.

Hinata " I don't know why you would ever feel that way for a person like me but I vowed to myself to never let you slip through my fingers again so if I have to share you I don't mind all I ask is that you are faithful and equally loving to all of your partners. I admit this is selfish of me but as the first person to love you I would like to help Haku in choosing who is ok and who isn't among the potential partners. With the exception being the ones have already been approved. I imagine I'm not the only one you accepted. I know you couldn't turn away anybody you are close with and I'm sure I'm not the only one you know. Is there anyone I know?"

Naruto " actually there is a few one of them is also in the compound as we speak."

Hinata " hyuuga you know,  I'm sorry I don't approve Hanabi is to young!"

I laugh

Naruto " I agree but no it's not her it's Neji."

Hinata " NEJI?!? I thought he was asexual........ (smiles) this is going to be so funny to watch may I? "

I grin

Naruto " well considering I know he'd watch if he knew I what I was talking to you about I'm sure it's only fair ."

She tells me he's out back training. So I go there.

He's practicing high speed defensive rotations consecutively with out using the byakugan to challenge himself further he set it up so throwing weapons are automatically launched at him in random intervals while he protects a three giant logs from being hit as well as himself.

I waited until the machines were out of munitions Thats when I using my extreme stealth placed a hand on his shoulder making him jump, much as expected from the surprise contact his instincts to counter went into effect as he trained his whole life for them too. He went to flip me over him but with my strength I held my ground. He then slid my hand off his shoulder and  twisted into a palm strike to the stomach but I caught his wrist. Before he continued he saw it was me and relaxed.

Neji " it's not polite to sneak up on other let alone  a hyuuga who is training this is a lesson many have learned through harsh experience. "

Naruto " eh what's life without a little danger. "

Neji " is there a reason for you interrupting my training? "

Naruto " huh pretty cold attitude to the person you  wrote a love letter too isn't it?"

I said teasingly.

Shocked he stepped back

Neji " y-you actually received that?!? I was certain Haku declined everyone. "

Naruto " not only did a read it I was moved by it. How did you put it aw yes it went something like -I'm the free bird you wish to fly with from the cage. You stared out the bars from, and the day I brought you a seed from the wild changed you forever- your referring to when I changed your perspective during the chunin exams and how since then you've come out of your shell and made friends and are trying to enjoy life. Well how should I put it. ( I take his head band of and brush the hair out of his face I place my hand on his forehead seal. And I'm record time by infusing my chakra into it erased the caged bird seal.)  I got permission from your uncle to release you from your cage. So will you join me in my life and fly freely with me and my flock Neji. "

A tear fell from his eye

Neji "  there is nowhere I'd rather be than being free alongside you. "

He hugged me and buried his face into my neck as I felt his tears.  I look to where hinata is to see her with a camera a blush and a nose bleed. She gives me a thumbs up. Can't say I'm surprised as apparently she and the other girls have book club meeting where they read my boys love novels and manga.

Well that's two Down more to go. I'm happy I have endless stamina and shadow clones because I'm going to do everything in my ability to keep my partners happy.

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