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Naruto POV

I have shivers going down my spine as I walk through the sand village with jiraiya I feel many eyes on me looking at me like I'm prey but I sense no animosity or bloodlust so I can't detect where this feeling is coming from because I can't see anyone who is staring at us intently just glances here and there but I feel uncomfortable.

Was made it to the kage building and requested audience with the new kage who I assume must be Gaara given the original timeline and boy do I look forward to seeing him, last time I saw him he was bleeding on the ground listening to my speech on changing his life, and if I had any where near half the impact as the canon Naruto that means he considered me his greatest friend and inspiration. So I hope I can live up to that for him.

We entered the kazekages office to be met by a familiar red head.

Gaara " I've been expecting you master jiraya, Naruto. "

Naruto " Gaara Im so happy to see you and boy am I not surprised you were made kazekage, I've heard of many of your accomplishments since we've last met dattebayo!"

He smiled wryly.

Gaara " that is humorous coming from you the elemental nations have been brimming with gossip about you lately, what's this I've heard about your bet with the raikage? Did you truly learn the famed lighting armor "

In the blink of a I I was covered in electricity that's when a squad of  sand anbu surrounded me and jiraiya ready to attack that's when I new voice came from the entryway

Temari " stand down you idiots it's clear they mean no harm and despite the rumors you've heard of the blond being a genius he still is a knucklehead , besides with the sands current strength none of us currently in the village combined could defeat these two together especially with them already so deep in our village. "

The anbu stood down and vanished.

Kankuro " impulsive as ever whiskers "

I undid the lightning And I smiled at them

Naruto " yeah the impulses come from the uzumaki blood as for you kankuro when the hell have you started referring to me as whiskers dattebayo."

He pulled out a file full of pictures and information on me.

Kankuro " since that's one of your code names used amongst your ever growing fan club. "

I panicked

Naruto " WHAAA-EHHH Wh-what fan club "

Me and jiraiya were stunned

Seeing my reaction and confusion gave them full understanding that I'm unaware of what they are talking about.

Temari " you really don't know huh that's troublesome ..... well you see after you started your training trip a unknown source has been leaked essentially a dating profile on you with information about things as your likes and dislikes photos of you and a personality section. That along with your heritage, exploits,power,  and your own personality and looks have caused you to be quite popular among girls especially kunoichi so much so tan clubs have popped up surrounding you and even a underground cult based around well...... "

Gaara " it appears that many wish to copulate with you. "

Kankuro " geez Gaara can't you say it any less awkward "

I try to see if I am in a genjutsu by attempting to release one but am unsuccessful meaning that this is real.

Jiraiya started laughing

Jiraiya " I bet your boyfriend Haku is having a field day with this he has said he was going to make you a harem after all .. you lucky piece of shit, that's my dream ."

Gaara " they fans have gone as far as taking pictures of you,  documenting your interactions with people they witness and collecting memorabilia such as used ramen cups of yours, even many of our villages kunoichi have taken interest in you matter of fact during this visit we've captured one trying to photograph you entering this building but there is not much we can do, we only apprehended them thinking they were spying on the building but figuring out she was a fangirl we released her with warning to be mindful of surroundings and the situation before doing such a thing in the future. "

I was damn near knocked out by the information I received  but continued on to talk akatsuki which was successful I also got to take Gaara out for dinner when he left his office to have a friendly chat with him

After leaving the village me and jiraiya agreed on me making thousands of clones in a pair one as me and one henged  as him that way we can spread out and gain information while also not leaving a concise trail for the akatsuki to follow leading to the original me and pervy sage.

We decided to keep the clones active for about a years time while me and him head to mount miyoboku to train for the majority of the remainder of our trip, we would gain outside information from clones as well as accomplish more things. I also made sure to send clones to all the ruins in the world.to learn as much as they could the only place that I didn't send clones was
The leaf village and its near by surroundings because I want to avoid going back there until Ve completed my training to show my precious people how much I've grown.

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