Chance meeting.

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Naruto POV

I'm currently six years old and I just finished pranking the shopping district by painting silly faces on all the stores that mistreat me by either outright denying me or over pricing me. Which essentially was ever store but one, that being the weapons shop that ten tens family owns yes they don't serve me but it isn't out of prejudice it's do to my age instead I put a sign in front of their store that says best weapons in konoha.

As I escape the angry shop keepers I make my way to the Forrest of death, you see I now have an apartment but I often go there to train in secret. I've even received ninja tools in secret from gramps to train in secret as well as some basic taijutsu katas. That's when I sense to chakra signatures not to far away from me in the Forrest training. I sneak to watch them and I'm surprised at who I see it's two uchiha who are competing in different things such as throwing kunai, jutsu and taijutsu. Do to my impeccable stealth they do not realize they are being watched I sat there watching who I deduced to be itachi and shisui for over an hour that is until they went into a all out spar. They had activated their sharingans and were sparing that is until I noticed itachis eyes spot my location probably because even if I hide it the sharingan can detect inactive chakra. Alerted to them being spied on, itachi swiftly through six kunai at me faster than I could react. Five hit me in the torso and one in the arm. Used to pain worse than this I didn't make a noise other than air being released from my lungs. They most have realized that the weapons hit the mark because of the thump and the blood that squirted out. That's when the two uchiha had made their way to the shrubs I was previously in and moved them out of the way. I watched as their eyes widened and horror took place on their faces as they saw me a six year old boy with many kunai sticking out of my body as I was bleeding badly. Then I saw recognition on their faces as they realized it was the villages jinchuriki.

Shisui " what the hell itachi I told you that you were being to paranoid, we got to help him before he bleeds out. "

Itachi " hnn "

His voice wavered when making the noise though.

They took the kunai out and began sanatizing and bandaging me, but they then saw my wounds heal on their own. No longer in pain I jumped up surprising the two.

Naruto " wow, I thought you both were pretty strong by watching you but you sure must be something to spot me no one else has been able to up until now. "

I then chuckled

Naruto " nice to meet you I'm naruto uzumaki your future hokage. And if you want me to not to prank you both  I won't in exchange for  the two of you to help train me!"

When I was speaking I was making exaggerated motions and moved around like I didn't just nearly die.

The two sweat dropped at my antics, they however let out a sigh of relief that I didn't react to the kunai they must have thought that I didn't realize it, and knowing them they are glad they won't get in trouble and that I'm not traumatized.

I then pointed at itachi.

Naruto " you will show me how to do that thing where you jumped and spun upside down and hit all the marks. And you must show me how you were doing all those fast teleportations. "

Shisui " I'm glad your ok but your far too young to be able to do it besides you haven't had any training yet."

Naruto " I've had plenty of training besides I'm so good already that when I'm being chased by ninja they can never catch up to me or find me. "

Itachi " if your that confident then surely after watching me do it again if you even manage to hit two targets while attempting to do it I promise me and shisui here will train with you. If you can't manage to do it you'll promise not to attempt this until or come back to this forest unless you become a genin deal "

Naruto " deal"

Shisui face palmed believing I just got suckered in, with itachis ability with reading children he gained from his younger brother.

Itachi " then make sure to watch closely "

He then did the move flawlessly.
He handed me kunai and motioned for me to go. I however noticed him activate his sharingan when I was about to do it. He clearly wanted to watch closely to prevent me from being hurt. Little did he know I've spent the past two years trading with shuriken and the like based on him to begin with.

I then performed the jump and turned upside down and threw the kunai. I had hit every one with a bullseye except I had barely missed the last target that was behind the obstruction. After landing smiled like a goof ball

Naruto " looks like I got myself two senseis dattebayo,"

I then gave them the peace sign.

They were both stunned to say the least then shisui shrugged in resignation and elbowed itachi.

Shisui " well itachi it looks like we got a new training partner, make sure not to tell sasuke because he would be so jealous."

Itachi just shook his head and slouched a bit before standing up straight and making me do it again.

That began my year of intense training with two uchiha prodigies. I of course got approval from gramps but I made him promise not  to tell him about how they nearly killed me.

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