Uchiha massacare

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Naruto POV

I was so quick at learning that it had surprised the two uchiha. Over the year I had mastered everything they had taught me which was everything they knew even though certain things I may not be able to do given it's not in my blood such as everything they knew about chakra affinities and kekkai genkai including telling me the secrets of the uchiha clan you see to make things easier for them I wound up becoming their go between with the hokage when they could not directly talk to him. I wound up being a informant of sorts for them. Which was odd because my skill set was strange, I had the skill and knowledge of a anbu but the physical limitations of a genin because regardless how hard I train I would need significantly more time to really train my body.

Since I wound up knowing their secrets the hokage entrusted them with the secret of my heritage, especially since they already knew I was a genius and they had helped me become quite skilled. I could do everything that itachi and shisui could do that wasn't blood line or elemental. That includes genjutsu because they helped me greatly further my chakra control but unfortunately do to my uzumaki blood and being a jinchuriki I would need high kage level if not absolute mastery of chakra control in order to be able to do things such as make a clone.

The hokage allowed this training and work because he believes in me but for safety and (his) peace of mind I would maintain my goofy personality and act as though I was a idiotic knuckle head whenever someone other than him, itachi and shisui were nearby. But luckily my personality was already inspired by my greatest hero. The person who I am now currently, after all I need to be the shining be on of hope for this world. I have been forbidden from actively using the kyuubi's chakra. I'm only allowed to summon It In life or death situations But that also meant I was forbidden from trying to make contact with the fox until I get help from jiraiya later on. Jiraiya is aware that I'm a genius from hiruzens messages but he kept all details regarding it blank I case the message be intercepted , there fore my godfather is unaware of what my skills are, my personality, and my knowledge such as the fact I know my parents identity.

Today in particular I'm extremely tense. Because it's the day danzo makes his move against shisui. I'm currently waiting at the uchiha compound which I've been to plenty over the year with the guise that I'm shisuis follower and pseudo desciple. ( authors note -kind of how konohamaru was to naruto) so I've gotten to spend plenty of time with shisui of the body flicker and itachi, but in a way  no one would suspect a thing and to not get sasuke jealous and cause problems for itachi. I have met sasuke on a few occasions but it was brief, I did play with him on the play ground a few times and watched as he would practice fireball jutsu. You see I took the opportunity to get a bond with him early because I'm the future when he is emo and a avenger he will remember me as the friend of shisui and one of the few surviving connections he has from his childhood.

I've come to realize that there is no stopping the massacare but what I do know is I can help Change details about it.

I was waiting hidden in the forest perfectly disguised as a random uchiha member with a flawless henge with a genjutsu covering up its flaws and what would give it away. shisui has just sent me a secret message through a shadow clone that danzo and his men were following him he told me to warn itachi to go to meet at a certain spot and for me to watch from the shadows and record everything for evidence.

I was waiting at the spot shisui said and that's when he arrived he turned around to face danzo and speak he was caught if guard with a attack, that normally wouldn't affect him but he mentioned how he believes somebody poisoned his food earlier which left him weaker. That's when danzo pulled out one of shisuis eyes I left a shadow clone to record the incident in hiding ( learned shadow clone while training with them, but doesn't know multi shadow clone.)  in my disguise I rushed out and took shisuis eye from Danzos  after he put it in a jar to preserve it. I then sealed the jar in a scroll and stabbed danzo in the shoulder with a kunai. My henge showed a hooded uchiha with the sharingan activated.

Danzo " ahh it looks like your clan was watching you after all shisui, however it won't matter you both will die and I'll have four new eyes. "

That's when around fifty root anbu came out and attacked us we were fighting but highly out numbered  that's when shisui used his suzano and wound up obliterating majority of the enemy however it took a lot out of him I went to his side to assist him we continued to fight but both were struck with poison coated blades and were heavily injured him more so. I then threw all of my shuriken and kunai in every direction  there was a enemy. Which led to hundreds of projectiles. I then used multi shadow shuriken Justu to increase the number of projectiles by ten. Using the chaos from that shisui teleported us away. We told everything to itachi and then shisui because he was dying gave itachi his other eye he then spoke about how he rusted us. During this after removing the poison from my body I healed. Itachi gained his mangekyo but I followed shisui to were he would kill himself and hide his body.

He had asked me why I had followed him I had told him the two reasons why, And they were because if I'm the future in a drastic situation we could use the second hokages jutsu to have him come back and help defend the world he loved. And second the more important reason I told him that I loved him as a brother and that someone as kind and special as him didn't deserve to die alone he got emotional at that and we hugged for a indefinite amount of time. A stayed with him long after the deed was done I gave him a proper grave in the mysterious cave and then blocked it off I then found itachi and reported the incident to the hokage along with my video tape of what happened with danzo he later used this to "dismantle the root" .  Later that week the uchiha massacre had occurred. For half a month after that I wasn't the bright and happy naruto people always saw, though that made sense since it was known that I was a "fanboy " of shisui and I would always hang around him. After that despite my broken heart I continued to put on happy face because if there is anybody who can find a reason it would be naruto uzumaki.

Not to long later I was to enter the academy.

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