Sand trio

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Naruto POV

Me, Haku, and Sakura were walking in the same direction when I noticed konohamaru was following me in a box.

Naruto " you know konohamaru most natural rocks don't tend to be rectangular though, and while you did a decent job hiding your chakra it doesn't help
If you're not alone."

That's when the box exploded with a puff of smoke leaving three kids coughing, obviously using to much smoke.

Konohamaru " hey boss great job detecting me as always, I'd like for you to meet my friends Udon and Moegi. We are the konohamaru corps. So you wanna play ninja with us boss."

Sakura " ha a genin who plays ninja that's just embarrassing."

Haku chuckles

Naruto " I'll have you know I do it because it's a fine way someone konohamarus age practice the fundamyof being a ninja besides when I play with him it's not the typical kid version it includes taijutsu sparring, And chakra control. Besides konohamaru is my disciple so I got to set a good example for him."

Konohamaru " hey boss is pink haired your girlfriend. "

Sakura " Ew hell no would I ever date that idiotic knuckle head!"

Haku " actually I happen to be narutos boyfriend. "

I have a thumbs up

Naruto " Believe It "

Haku begins to hold my free hand

Sakura " EEEEEHHHH?!?!?!?"

Sakura was clearly shocked because only few people currently knows about it. Konohamaru took a moment to analyze Haku.

Konohamaru "nice one boss even though their a guy they are much prettier than large forehead here, and I can tell they are stronger too, needless to say he doesn't seem to show pinkies awful attitude. "

Moegi is staring at me and Haku with stars in her eyes and udon has a snot bubble.

Sakura is enraged and begins chasing after konohamaru who is followed by his friends I then go after them with Haku alongside me. The chase continues until konohamaru runs into a certain puppet user.

Kankuro " watch where your going brat, I outta teach you a lesson "

Temari " kankuro leave the brat be HE wouldn't like it if he saw you acting like this"

Kankuro " well temari he is not here and it hurt when he ran into me so I'm justified to let out my frustration."

He lifts konohamaru by the front of his shirt and reals his fist.

Sakura is dumbfounded, and Haku looks ready to stop him but I step up to make sure  not to start a fight.

Naruto " hey, kankuro was your name?  Well I'd put the kid down if I were you."

Kankuro " what you got a problem with it punk? "

Naruto " yes I have a problem with it but more pressingly I doubt the hokage would take kindly to some foreign ninja beating his grandson within his own village, at the very least he'd disqualify you from the chunin exam, at most he may start a war. Dattebayo "

The puppet master panicked and dropped konohamaru who landed on his feet and went to stand behind me. Sasuke then threw a rock hitting kankuro in the arm.

Kankuro " ahh what the hell"

Naruto " teme I had things under control, besides it's a bad decision to attack from the shadows when your  targets teammate is behind you."

Sasuke was confused then jumped once he realized the red head behind him, and is probably more confused how I knew about it without looking in their direction to begin with.

Sasuke then joined us as Gaara joined his siblings who were clearly unnerved by his presence.

Gaara " kankuro your a nuisance and a disgrace if you annoy me again I'll kill you."

They begin to walk away.

Sasuke " you there what's your name?"

Temari " me?!"

Sasuke " no him with the gourd "

Gaara " my name is Gaara of the sand and i would also like to know yours and the blondes name"

Sasuke " my name is sasuke uchiha."

Naruto " it's no wonder you want to know my name! my name is naruto uzumaki future hokage of the hidden leaf village believe it!"

Everyone sweat dropped

Sakura " what are sand ninja doing in the leaf village anyhow I know your allies but shinobi can't freely enter other villages without permission?"

Naruto " you guys are taking the chunin exam right? Haku here is also taking it as for us I don't know if our sensei has decided on what we are to do yet."

Sasuke and Sakura look at me confused.

Temari " Indeed we are here for the exams seems like at least you know something so basic, can't say the same about your teammates though"

We then separated.

The next day kakashi gave us our papers to enter the chunin exams. After a quick test from iruka we arrived at the building. On the second floor we see a bunch of genin surrounding a door that a henged kotetsu and Izumo were guarding. It went the same as in the original which means it led to sasuke fighting lee. Which ended with lee kicking sasukes ass and then disciplined by guy sensei. We then make our way to the exam waiting room where we meet up with the other rookies I don't talk much even with kiba insulting me for being the dead last. Haku walks up to us and join the conversation he is then introduced to the fellow rookies where Sakura proceeds to blabber that me and Haku are dating which shocks all the other rookie 9 who didn't know

I see hinata seems a little disheartened but then she genuinely congratulated me, I thanked her. Ino was a little jealous that I was the first of our academy class to start dating. Kiba was trying to hit on Haku and saying how he would be a better boyfriend and how a "woman" as beautiful as her needs better than a dead last clown . Haku shut him down by informing kiba that he is indeed a male. Which shocked everyone further. Ino got a little more jealous that I was able to find a cute boy while she couldn't.

I ignored Kabuto when he showed up and instead was brought to the side by Haku, who asked me a lot of questions about hinata and how I knew her, he then said how it was obvious she likes me and must have for a long time. He then said how he would support me dating her in the future but I assured him I didn't need anyone else, he stated how he didn't care and how he wanted to help raise my Biological children in the future so he said whether I like it or not he would ensure I get at least one wife other then him. And I'll be honest at this point I couldn't tell if he secretly had a cuckold fetish but to each their own, I especially won't kink shame the one I love. But that made me think If I were to marry and have children with hinata like Naruto did in canon just how different it would be with Haku also as my spouse. The weird line of thinking made me question how the hell  polygamy even works.

The first test was a easy paper test I aced it but I made a speech to motivate my fellow genin for the tenth question. I had also come to realize that Haku was on a team by himself so I wished him his best on the exams. I would gladly have him accompany us but since we will encounter orochimaru I don't want him to get involved especially as a kekkai genkai user . After the first test I worried about the following Forrest of death.

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