Last of the konoha harem gather, for now........

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Naruto POV

I teleport to the seal I have Sakura hold onto so I know her location. What I'm met with is a surprise i Lamaist fall into water but gracefully stand on it without even a ripple. I look around and immediately realize I'm in a hot spring I look down and see Sakura ino and tenten in towels bathing they stare at me. I decide to take initiative.

By getting comfortable and sitting cross legged on top of the water.

Narutos " hey I was looking for you three  so I decided to use the flying raijin necklace I gave Sakura to meet up with her I'm quite lucky to have found the three of you together ."

They are all embarrassed and Sakura is ready to hit me.

I walk out of the springs and into the changing room. I change into the proper bathing attire wash up and then re enter much to the girls surprise I then enter the spring with them.

Sakura " Na-Naruto what the hell do you think your doing "

She says flustered .

I put a mock thinking expression on

Naruto ". Well considering you all have wrote love letters to me and own nude photos of me that it would be fine if we bathed together after all I checked the sign before I changed attire this a a mixed bath and since you girls are renting it out I'm sure you wouldn't mind me joining you after all we are going to have a talk. "

They got embarrassed further for the fact I revealed I know the photos they have of me

Naruto " since you three are here I'm sure you didn't see the buzz going on today's the day I'm responding to the " harem creation Haku set up and I'm letting the individual I am happy to be romantically involved with the green light that they are welcome to join and that we accept them as long as they are fine with it themselves. And you three happened to be amongst them. After all I have a great relationship with each of you and I'm attracted to each of you and the letters  let me know that the feeling was mutual so. So now that the important business is over how about I stick around and relax with the three of you for a little bit and deepen our relationships. "

We sat there talking for a bit until we entered a quiet calm and we all snuggled our bodies together as we relaxed Sakura leaning on my right side ino on my left and tenten sitting on my lap leaning into my chest we stayed for as long as we could before the rental time was up and we left they each brought a few of my clones with them to help pack up their belongings to move into my massive compound that I've been adding on to. 

Authors note" I want you all to know that there is a entire world to this story and only the highlights are captured in the chapters meaning there has been many of training, hanging out, missions encounters and even dates that have happened with Naruto and the other characters in the harem after all I can't write every single day of narutos life.

Naruto pov

Now that the hectic day is coming to a close I sit on the carving of my fathers face on the mountain and delve into my inner conscious the same way I learned while doing the inuzuka trials. I plan of finally making contact with kurama.

I find myself in a sewer like place and make my way down corridors to find a giant cell. In the darkness of the cell a giant red eye opens and looks at me I prepare myself to speak but am cut off in the most surprising way.

Kurama " took you long enough damn. No need for introduction I'm aware you know my true name and I know as much about you as I can after all I can see  all your memories from this life and I hear all of your thoughts Naruto. I'm aware of your past lives as well however I don't have access to their memories as those are contained in your soul and not your mind. Also thank you for narrating everything that's been going on it's been quite thoughtful and entertaining. Frankly I've grown to like you brat and not in the romantic way so don't you dare try seducing me with that talk no jutsu your charisma surpasses the devil themself so don't use that ungodly power on me. Now that my only fear is out of the way I guess that means we are friends after all being the reincarnation of asura kinda makes you my brother by default and dad entrusted everything to you so I can't go against that. As for the question I know your thinking no I don't have a definite gender I can choose what I want my body to be at any given forms whether I want to be in fox form or a human fox yokai form I can choose appearance gender and no gender, so stop pondering that thought please. Now that I've said my peace I look forward to working with you friend."

Naruto " hell yeah  kurama I've wanted to be your friend ever since I was born as Naruto uzumaki I look forward to working with you as well dattebayo.  Since this is my mind scape and all let's make it better for the both of us ."

I stomped my foot with authority and the mindcape changed into a large Forrest and the cage turned into a bracelet with the seal on it. What I did was turn my minds ape into the entirety of the  I disturbed nature  of the Rocky Mountain range and the forests surrounding it.

Naruto " hope  you enjoy the better place to live buddy and the reason I turned the seal into a bracelet instead of a collar is because that would be disrespectful to you, instead it's a fine piece of jewelry that will fit you regardless of your form and one day you and me will remove the seal."

I fist numbed the demon fox and left my mindscape

I returned home and showered then me and my clones set up a feast and banquet for all the new arrivals into the compound thankfully clones gave them the rundown on the place and they have all been given access through the security seals  protecting the property.

( not documents and stuff)

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