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Naruto POV

We returned to the village and jiraiya departed from us do to him needing to do some spy work. Tsunade  was  being briefed by the elders about what it entails becoming hokage. While shizune was being breifes in what it meant to be the assistant. I decided to visit the hospital which had three people I wanted to see.

First was kakashi who I found was still unconscious from the tsukuyomi. Sasuke was also out of it do to the same thing, which is good he needs time to wrap his head around talking to itachi, no doubt he agreed to the mental torture to prevent it from looking like itachi spared him.  Then I finally went to visit rock lee but to my surprise I wasn't the only one who arrived to visit him so did his teammate tenten.

We greeted each other and both entered to talk to the injured taijutsu user. Who was happy to see that he had to visitors. I told him how I had just brought the worlds greatest medical expert back to the village , so she would be able to examine him. Ten ten gave the daily news about team guy and just checked up on him. After talking for a bit we had Left him alone as it was time for his bathing.

As we left tenten  initiated conversation

Tenten " I never knew you could use blade so well, heck I didn't even know you had any interest in weapons. After I saw how well you used it against Neji I was absolutely shocked, I was for sure you were going to lose but to reveal it was a shadow clone the whole time and then you used the blade with such precision that not a drop of blood was spilled it was scary good. Your gonna have to train with me sometime I can show you some weapon techniques if you show me how you pulled that technique off, besides it'll give me a one up over Neji if he or the other two does something ridiculous I could threaten them with it! "

How happy she was at the thought of using that move on her team for annoying her made me think like a Nara, Troublesome women.

Naruto " well if you got free time right now we can head to my teams training grounds and I can start practicing with you."

Tenten " hell yeah Im ready , I always keep my ninja gear on me !"

We headed to my teams training grounds and I showed her the basics of the sword technique she took too it quite fast,  but was still a amateur at it however he was quite good for someone learning it.

I had her follow the katas and practice against dummies then shadow clones, I then shown her that I was good a fuinjutsu so she had asked of me to come up with some special scrolls for her that were kind of like spring activated where she could use the seal and the weapons would fly out of it naturally, instead of her technique where she does it all her self, she had said it would be perfect to set up as stationary weapon placement for defenses , traps, and vehicles. As well as she could hand one to her team mates and they could use it in emergencies since apparently rock lee and guy sensei suck with kunai and shuriken. So while we took a break from training I showed her the process of me making the scroll she asked for. She was enamored with the process and began asking how to make seals in general. That's when my uzumaki blood took over and needless to say not only did I become friends with her she became one of my training partners and my first fuinjutsu student ( konohamaru was uninterested in it )  after a few hours of training we said our goodbyes and for the rest of the week since my team was inactive and Haku was on a mission I spent the time training with her. She even had me temporarily train with her team in lees place as he couldn't currently train Gai sensei was eager to share his youth and Neji thanked me for helping open his eyes and was cordial but friendly which you could tell was awkward for him do to his antisocial tendencies and just being a very formal hyuuga. However I didn't notice he would get nervous and shy away whenever I took out my tanto, meaning he was probably traumatized from the experience being my opponent. He also paled when ten ten bragged about how I was training her in my sword fighting skills.

Tsunade settled into to office the day after kakashi and sasuke left the hospital. Haku also returned from his mission. Tsunade has called me, Haku, and shikamaru to her office much to my confusion that was until we were promoted to chunin much to my surprise as I never expected I would actually be promoted.

After the promotion all of the konoha thirteen (Haku included)  celebrated at the barbecue place Haku who was very week with alcohol products ( worse then lee) wound up having a food that was in beer batter and got drunk of his ass ( I do not know how it was possible) and started bragging about our relationship and how I was such a good kisser and he said how he dreamed about forming a harem for me which made me shrink in embarrassment. He then started to share some of my sexy photos ( aka me shirtless or posing for him.) and the guys were laughing at my expense and the girls found it entertaining as well.  I was the only one who noticed as a red faced hinata slid a photo into her sleeve. That's when zabuza, kakashi and asuma showed up each bringing a gift for their respective student who was promoted, but noticed the dozens of shirtless photos of me and were confused to say the least.

The even ended and was quite fun  but on my way home  I messenger bird let me know that the hokage wnated to see me. I went to tsunades office and was surprised to see jiraiya also there. That's when tsunade pulled out a scroll from lord third that stated that once I became chunin my heritage would be made public and I would receive all of the belongings and property of my parents which would be everything Namikaze and uzumaki related in the village.

They brought me to my parents mansion which was hidden and protected by seals. I got to explore the place and live there. The next day a announcement was made to the entire village about my heritage which shocked everyone who didn't know, after the ceremony I explored my new compound and cried heavily when I seen the room with the large crib me and my mom laid together in after my birth, before
They died

After hours of uncontrollable sobbing I work up the nerve to explore the rest of the place and find every thing jutsu related so I could learn it all. I also found my moms swords and a closet full of my dads cloaks

I then applied my own seals around the property

And locked myself in the compound for a month to explore and learn everything I could I also changed the interior to fit the purposes I would need.

I still had contact with. The outside world through clones and the only person I let in during my isolation was Haku who decided to chear me up. I also let him officially move in with me.

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