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Naruto POV

Me and jiraiya were walking our way to the cloud village you may be wondering what I'm currently doing well it's simple I'm currently reading through tsunades notes. I also have a couple thousand clones training skills and practicing new jutsu in the rebuilt uzushio so I can learn new things as well. We are taking our time because jiraiya is practicing adding chakra nature to the rasengan. He had made two clones so each clone could use one of his elemental affinities fire and earth. While the actual him practiced further chakra control and tried to balance adding the nature to the rasengan. By the time we had made it to kumo he had successfully maintained the fire rasengan for 30 minutes before it dissipated which he was excited about but he didn't know how to use it in a attack yet because he could tell if it was used like a regular rasengan it would wind up burning him as well.

We booked a appointment with the raikage and managed to sit down with him the same day we entered his village.  We informed him of the akatsuki and how they plan on capturing the jinchuriki we also informed him of the two member we know in the group who were itachi uchiha and Kisame hoshigake which in them selves were two high S class rouge ninja he wound up agreeing to the jinchuriki protection plan which as previously mentioned just promised to not use jinchuriki against a village in the agreement, a promise to keep jinchuriki from defecting or getting captured by individuals or groups outside of the jinchurikis home and so on mostly it was a early precautionary piece of paperwork that meant nothing but when stuff actually starts happening it shows the leaf villages validity of the worry and makes us more favorable to work with in the future.

Raikage " you blonde brat your minatos kid right well I heard you could use your fathers moves well how about we have a little spar and see who's faster ?"

He said with a cocky smirk

Naruto " how about we make it more interesting if you win I'll give you the secrets of the hirashin as well as give  you the instructions on how to do it?"

Jiraiya was shocked but didn't say anything as he was interested in my plan.

Raikage " that's quite the gamble there kid you must be confident in your abilities tell me what would you have me give up in the case you win? "

Naruto " oh I have you share with  and teach me the lightning release armor that your famous for, you see lightning is one of my elements and I would love to learn something as advanced as that for it besides having both hirashin and the lighting release would make it's user undoubtedly the fastest shinobi to ever live and how about this we agree that we are only allowed to pass  the knowledge of the jutsu onto desciples or future children. Of ours to ensure the justu doesn't rapidly spread. And in case of a tie we both share the information with each other so there is a 2/3 chance either of us learn one of the greatest justu to ever be created and there is only a 1/3 chance that you walk away empty handed. "

He thought about it for a moment before pulling out a legal document seal that enforces the agreement.

Raikage " I'm sure you know what this type of seal is your father gave me a stack of these agreement seals as a gift for me being announced the raikage I will partake in this challenge as long as you are willing to sign this agreement and seal the deal that way I can be ensured of the fact you won't back out of the agreement as well as keep you to the word that only or desciples or children will be taught the jutsu as to not spread the jutsu carelessly, I of course will also sign the agreement now tell me are you a man of your word young Namikaze?"

I read the document and marked it officially sealing the agreement , the raikage saw this and smirked before signing himself

My senses told me he could be trusted

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