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???? POV

The time has come I'm being born luckily I've been doing two things this entire time learning how to slightly move and twice my limbs and through meditation I've learned how to feel my chakra and lightly flare it within my body however I don't know how to move it around. If I concentrate hard enough I can flare it so it's used up so I can increase my chakra reserves pretty basically before I'm born so I'm born with a larger reserve than I would be. However it's kind of lighting a candle and letting it burn the energy is used but I don't control what its used on it's just expels it's. However I'm not stupid enough to over exert this as I still need plenty of chakra to help me develop also I'd hate to give my mother a heart attack because it's clear she senses whenever I flare up, similar to when I kick.

So I feel as a pressure pushes me in a direction and and my body is squeezed through a small opening and it act really hurts. Then after a minute I feel hands on me helping pull me out. I'm out so as a baby should I start crying so my lungs will open up and begin their work. My eyes are so heavy I can't even open them and I have fluid in my ears so my hearing is distorted. That's when I feel a cloth clean my body and the person doin it also gets the fluid out of my ears. Believe it or not I'm surprised by how strong I feel, I mean I'm a newborn but I have more muscle control than I did in my previous life where I could only move my mouth and eyes.

That's when I realize my ears are extremely sensitive and all sound is super loud even though I can tell the people are speaking in a normal but quieter tone. Thankfully I understand the language.

????? " here kushina your son "

Kushina " my little naruto welcome
To this world ."

I can't stop crying and I can't really tell where she is so to acknowledge her I flare my chakra a bit

Kushina " see minato I told you he would flare his chakra just born and he's already trying to manipulate his chakra he's a little genius"

Minato " wow I'm the father of a genius"

Kushina " I'm the mother ya know "

I can them feel I'm lightly In between them as it's a light family hug I can't help but to ball my eyes out and flare chakra because this is the first time in all of my existence I have ever been hugged, let alone feel the love radiating off of them.

Kushina " it's ok my little naruto mommy here "

I stop crying so I can enjoy this moment.

Kushina " minato look at his little whisker marks they are adorable"

I feel a finger trace my cheek so I grab it in my hand and give it a light squeeze, I then sense the energy in the finger so I push my own energy to it.

Dr " he really is a genius "

Kushina " that's my son ya know he already is learning just by grabbing my finger he channeled his own chakra to meet mine dattebane "

Minato " this is unheard of maybe he really is the child of prophecy, I can't wait to share this with sensei"

Kushina " I can't wait to brag to mikoto that my boy is prodigy I'm sure he will surpass us one day then he will give me grandkids ya know"

Minato " kushina I think it's way to early to talk about grandkids  besides we're not even sure if we are gonna have more kids ourselves ."

That's when a thud is heard

Minato" what was that"

I feel i am grabbed by someone else and moved away from my mom.

Kushina " minato help"

I'm finally able to open my eyes slightly and I'm nearly blinded by the little light here things are blurry but my mature mind can fill in the details I'm currently in the arms of a masked man who surely is obito.

Obito " it's a pleasure to meet you fourth hokage, however I'm afraid are meeting will be short. "

Him and my father were "talking" while I had and idea since he held me close to his upper chest I reached my stubby little arm out and within a moment I used all my power to shove my chakra coated finger into his eyes. To my surprise he actually flinched. My dad took the opportunity to charge the man who then to distract the yellow flash threw me in the air. Minato immediately caught me but realized that the towel that wrapped me had explosive tags on it he took it off me and teleported me to a bed and laid me down after a few minutes and a huge roar that made me cringe in pain at my sensitive hearing. Not long after minato came back and laid down my mother next to me 

She held me close and looked into my eyes as I looked into hers she was shocked when I gave here a little smile.

Kushina " oh naruto......"

She had tears in her eyes

We laid there for what felt like forever until dad came back and teleported us elsewhere. I watched as the whole ordeal to contain the tailed beast took place. I watched as they were impaled and began crying they said there messages for me and I stopped crying I looked at them they had little left in them I reached a hand towards them surprising them but they both gingerly hold my hand in their own I smiled at them and pulsed chakra into my hand.

Minato/kushina " I love you Naruto "

That's when the sealing was complete and they both dropped to the ground the fourth hokage dead and the red hot habanero on her way. That's when the third hokage was allowed into  the barrier and received kushinas final words, which were to watch over me and keep me safe as I should be treated like the hero I am for containing the nine tails. She then passed away. I began to cry again which led the old man to pick me up and try to comfort me I put a hand on his cheek and pulsed chakra into it. Which surprised him. After overexerting myself I begin to fade away into unconsciousness. But I hear one last sentence.

Third hokage " you just used your chakra just now to sense me didn't you. You may just be a genius little naruto. I'm sorry for your loss. I promise no matter how much the council restricts me I'll find a way to be part of your life. Stay strong little one it's not going to be a easy road but I'll put my faith in you after all your not only the child of two hero's but your already a hero in my eyes atleast. Sleep tight naruto. "

I new the third hokage thought of naruto as a grandson but  just how much the third hokage actually cared for naruto especially so early on shocked me. I fell asleep and had a nice dream of me as naruto growing up with parents, but it was bittersweet.

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