Reporting the mission

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Naruto POV

I wake up sore from not moving but my wounds are all healed. Contrary to the bandages covering my body and IV that was inserted in my arm. Interesting I know for a fact blood loss wouldn't have been a problem once I arrived at the hospital so the IV must have been for nutritions since I've most likely been unconscious several days, no doubt sasuke would be in even rougher shape when orochimaru got him. I know for a fact he must have passed out on the way to him good thing I sensed kabuto's chakra not to far away after the fight meaning he brought sasuke to his destination rather than teme passing out in the middle of no where without anyone to help him get medical treatment.

I took out the IV and began undoing my bandages when Sakura and kakashi came in.

I was currently shirtless as to remove my wrappings.

Sakura " Naruto!!!!"

She then tackled me with a hug

Sakura " I didn't know when you'd wake up. I'm glad your ok."

Naruto " well it's a good thing I'm all healed up or else this would be a pretty painful hug dattebayo "

She let go when I said that she then saw my shirtless chest which was quite refined but in a modest way she than blushed in embarrassment realizing her face was on my chest.

I giggled at her reaction but waved it off I mean who wouldn't be embarrassed after unknowingly rubbing your face in someone's bare chest.

Naruto " hey kakashi sensei you remember what I told you, well I would like for you to be there when I give the full mission debriefing to lady tsunade , sorry Sakura I can't tell you the Full details I only ask of you is to have faith in the bonds we made as team seven."

Kakashi " understood "

Sakura " I'm not gonna sugarcoat it I'm mad I can't get the full details given I'm part of the team but I understand as you are a chunin now and certain intel is classified on a need to know basis."

I smiled and nodded in appreciation

After a quick checkup with a nurse I was released from the hospital and teleported to the homage office with kakashi and was not surprised when I seen two Sanin in the office almost as if they knew I would arrive. I then explained to them the entirety of the mission from my point of view. Before continuing into more privy detail I asked for tamale to have the anbu leave and then I proceeded to put up a custom privacy seal so people such as the root couldn't pry on our conversation. I then informed kakashi and tsunade that I knew all the details behind the uchiha massacre do to my brotherhood with shisui and in association deep friendship with itachi. This interest them as neither knows the truth behind the massacre. Tsunade because she hasn't read the sealed files on it as she deemed it unimportant to look into, as she had assumed
she knew the truth, and kakashi because he was not let in on such a secretive mission that he would oppose do to his friendship with obito.

Jiraiya already knew everything because I keep him informed with everything that happens with me, I mean I love the man as if he were my own blood, it's not surprising he would know I mean I already told my godfather about my past life in full detail except the part about me knowing the story of Naruto from my past life. The reason I didn't share that is because I didn't want to cause a crisis of reality because I know that this people and this world is more than some series it was just showing the possibilities of the future since it seems I am genuinely a soul who grew consciousness and that soul just coincidentally happened to be the soul of ashura ototsuki

. ( I'm sure this would be a lot less weird if I had the memories starting from the beginnings my first life. I mean it is quite hard on me myself accepting the fact that my thinking is different from every being who ever existed because I'm a sentient soul therefore I don't think with my brain. Rendering mind control or altering jutsu useless and genjutsu can't work on me unless it's only the type that alters senses. So a tsukiyomi won't work on me as it's in the mind  which for me can't be manipulated but someone could alter my vision, smell, hearing and feeling of touch. On the bright side that means someone can't use genjutsu on me to make me fall asleep or do there bidding such as release the ninetails. However it doesn't mean someone can't make me see hallucinations. )

Enough of my ranting after

I then had tsunade give kakashi permission to learn of the uchiha massacare's truth I then explained all the details behind it to them which makes tsunade take out her files on it to verify it shocking them both about the truth. I even showed them shisuis sharingan .

Kakashi " so he really gave you his eye, he really must have trusted you  "

I nodded

Naruto " just like you sensei it's not quite the same but it does match with the story of your friend and Teammate obito , you told me the story of .  "

He had a forlorn expression in his eye, must be because he know what it's like to loose someone that important and be entrusted with something so special .

I then told them verbatim what that I had shared some information of it with sasuke but not all of it,  and to make sure they knew every detail shared with them my entire talk with him about the truth verbatim so they knew what he learned which did relieve them that I had given it to him the way I did as it was the best way to do it while making sure he doesn't turn his back against konoha... hopefully

I was then informed about the mission results from my teammates I was separated from and I'm glad to know they are all safe and succeeded in their parts without anyone attaining serious injury.

Tsunade " shikamaru was able to go back and help the others because he finished his fight early thanks to the paralysis seal you gave him, the sand ninja who assisted also played a huge role. As for the girl you had us capture we got all information out of her as she was quite willing once she found out orochimaru abandoned her leaving only the message that he'd kill her if she ever tried coming back to him. She also mentioned your curiosity about her family history and we did a genetic test. She happens to be from a branch of the haruno family, who are typically civilians but have naturally good chakra control.  Tayuya the girl has actually been meaning to talk to you . She's no longer prisoner but we have been keeping watch of her. So when you leave you should go try and see what she wants, besides with this talk no jutsu ability jiraiya mentioned I'm sure you can convince her somehow to join our forces. We are in need of more genjutsu specialists ever since the uchiha massacre...... "

I sweat drop at her Blatant order to convince the former sound nin to join the leaf village as a shinobi. Kakashi has no clue what she meant by talk no jutsu so jiraiya joking explained it to him which he understood after the explanation because one of my uncanny skills which others would call blessings are my social skills and my luck, as neither could really be explained .

When I went home I was suprised to find tayuya drinking tea across from Haku.

Haku " hey darling I went to the hospital earlier but you had already been released, I asked Sakura who said you were with the hokage, from there I ran into this fine girl who is sitting across from me apparently she has been wanting to speak with you she says you are the one responsible for her current situation , and now claims it's you must take care of her. (The temperature drops harshly around me ) I stare at a cold smile  now what did you do to this I have never met before to make it your responsibility to take care of her?"

Terrified I explained the situation of the mission and her hereditary to Haku so he wouldn't sub zero me.

This made me realize that despite his willingness to share me, he was dead serious he HAD to approve of the potential partner. I also now gained another former enemy as a house mate

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