Forrest of death

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Naruto POV

Anko as the proctor of the second part of the exam gave us the instructions and threw a kunai at me because of my jovial attitude but I tilted my head making her miss. The rest was the same as what I seen in the series other than the fact fucking HAKU was here and my boyfriend, it feels like it's all just one big fever dream and I don't want to wake up.

Please don't be a dream.

We sign the waiver about the dangers and what not and we are given our scroll which happens to be a heaven scroll. When the signal to enter the Forrest goes off we run through our designated gate.
We run for quite some time until Sakura is winded. After stopping I decided to use take a leak. Sakura despite my logical explanation how we should stick together regardless due to the dangers of the Forrest ignored me and punched me repeatedly admonished me and forced me to leave the area to do my business. While I was urinating some punk from the rain village tried to sneak up on me to knock me out I however spun around and blinded him temporarily by pissing In his face. I then kneed him in the stomach and proceeded to throw him to the ground and hogtie him.

Naruto " hey rain ninja what's your name? "

rain ninja " my name is oboro, man that was clever but downright disgusting I'm ow soaked I smell like piss and some got in my mouth."

Naruto " I have some intel on your village apparently there is a little power struggle going on, my intel gives me a definitive answer that hanzo of the salamander will lose, so pick the side of the rebels, and have every current or ex shinobi you know and care for take the rebels side as well. Odds are all dissenters will be purged when hanzo falls. My intel comes from a S Class spy and is very reliable so if you want to live in the future take the side that has that angel lady, believe me they may be cruel to enemies but they truly care for that village."

Oboro " how do you know about any of this we are amongst the most secretive villages."

Naruto " I have my sources and consider this a investment into your growth in return for this, do to me saving your life in the future I shall take your teams scroll. If your currently skilled enough you might not fail this part of the exam, if you do there is always next time and remember my advice will let you live a next time."

Oboro " O-Okay I'll remember what you said, you know to much for it to be a fluke."

I used a light gale palm to dry him off . I then pick him And proceed to bring him out to show my team.

Naruto " hey Sakura, teme I caught us something good, he will lead us to his team so we can take their scroll in return for his safety. Follow me from a place where we can't sense you in order to let you prevent a ambush.dattebayo." L

Sasuke " what a dobe."

He shakes his head with a tiny smirk that he try's to hide Sakura is just stunned. However they follow my command and hide themselves. I follow The directions given and meet up with the rest of rain team.

Naruto " hey if you guys want your friend back I would give me the scroll you are currently in possession of. "

They were alarmed by this and where ready to fight

Oboro " guys we can't beet them, he defeated me with taijutsu in seconds after I snuck up on him when he was alone and vulnerable. Besides I learned something more important than this exam. So give him the scroll and we can look for more."

Give me the scroll so I free oboro.    

Naruto " thanks for the scroll dattebayo! Oh and piece of advice stay away from the sand team, they have a experienced killer. "

I then vanished from their sight and me and Sakura regroup and mildly celebrate with me sealing both scroll sneakily into one of my body seals  so they wouldn't notice.

We are them separated by a massive gust of wind that threw me by myself half a hundred meters in a direction away from my team. A giant snake comes out of no where to attack me from behind. Without paying it any mind I summoned a sword out of my wrist seal and slice its head off without turning to look at it.

I then concentrate on sasuke and Sakura chakra I rush towards them.

When I arrive sasuke was frozen and Sakura was damn near catatonic. I called out sasuke to be brave and to fight and even had Sakura agreeing with me. Ok how the sasuke we no wouldn't back down to anyone.

We drove him to attack the 'Grass ninja ' ,he had a wonderful combo and thought he finished off the opponent. That was until he turned to mud. So teme worries tried to barter by offering our scrolls To him in return for our safety. However sasuke soon realized he couldn't find the scrolls. And panicked the snake like enemy attacked us with a giant snake knowing I had to I used some nine tails chakra, less then a one tail cloak, but strong indeed

I then took out a long sword and covered it in a surprise,. I stab the snake in it upper jaw from in the mouth and pushed it as deep as I could I then jumped out and shot a fire ball in its mouth. Which cause the dozens of fire bombs I had wrapped the basic swords in to explode, the giants snakes head was essentially mush after what happened which caught everyone present to be shocked. I then proceeded to start a assault on orochimaru at this point I was using mid too upper chunin level ability mixed with some ninetails chakra. Which was quite effective at putting up a good fight. However this is the same man who survived going toe to toe with four tails mode. I commanded  Sakura to set up some traps in areas I could fourc the Sanin into to cause more trouble for him. In order to keep him amused i keep slowly upping the skills of my combat to keep his focus on me. I then start herding  him into several traps most of which were successful on orochimaru . sasuke went to rush him with a kunaj but got bit on the neck and in turn he was marked. After.  After that he spoke on how his time was limited do to the anbu having sensed both his and the ninetails chakra, he went full speed and blitz me using a five prong seal on me to distort my and the ninetails chakra from properly flowing.

Orochimaru " you really are a interesting child you know It's a shame your a jinchuriki so I can't mess with that. "

He then realized I stabbed him in the stomach with a kunai wrapped with a paper bomb. I use my last strength to take my self out of the blast. Which only helps a little as I'm knocked away and rendered unconscious ,not before seeing, the bastard shed his body an flee. 

I wake up to strong killing intent and the sight of sasuke being held back from a broken sound ninja by Sakura hugging him from behind and begging  him to stop.  I got up and put a hand on his shoulder and he looks at me.

Naruto " good job sasuke you got revenge for Sakura and protected us, you don't need to worry any more now that it's over. Dattebayo"

His curse mark fades and he goes back to normal.  After the incident I thanked team Asuma and team guy for helping us big time and I gave appreciation to Sakura for not only protecting us but compliment her on how she is now a full fledged kunoichi, who will do anything to protect her comrades of the leaf village.  She seemed to appreciate the acknowledgment but was embarrassed so she hit me however it was quite lighter than usual. Sasuke seemed to really resinate with how I helped calm
Him compared to how Sakura did it
Because it didn't make him out to be as antagonistic.

After our teams dispersed we made our way to the tower where I brought out the scrolls which we opened and were greates by iruka sensei who I had hugged after not seeing him for a while except for when he tested us on seeing if we were fit for the exams, but that was a brief meeting.

Because we had two scrolls earlier than in the original we had more days to relax at the tower in which I had informed kakashi and gramps about the snake traitors appearance and sasukes curse mark. To which sasuke got a seal placed over it before the preliminaries meaning he can use his chakra during it. And be in better shape to train while we wait fo the second part of the exam to end.  Oh and by the way Haku was the second 'team' to Pass the test just behind the sound trio. On a bright side since we didn't run into kabuto im the Forrest he didn't get to gather data on us.

Needless to say I anticipate the preliminaries and the final exam.

My inner monologue was interrupted by Haku
Sneaking into my room at night to snuggle which gave me the motivation I needed to carry on.

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