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???? POV

I can't remember what happened, where am I ? Come on think what was the last thing you remember. I remember the high pitch noise of a machine, a heartbeat monitor to be exact it was the sound of a flatline. Oh I'm dead.

You see I didn't really care I was dead because I was never truly alive to begin with. I was a orphan my parents died in a house fire while my mother was pregnant with me. The doctors were stunned though to find a small heartbeat from her belly and so the gave a emergency C section the only problem was I was premature and disfigured and irreversible damaged. Hell the doctors thought about giving me the mercy of death because if I somehow managed to make it I would have no quality of life, however fate had other plans my father had a rare genetic mutation that prevented someone from having cancer so I was kept alive for the prospect of possibly saving millions of others. I was kept in one of the worlds greatest medical facilities. Only problem was my chest cavity was inside out meaning I had to be kept in a one of a kind medical pod that monitored all my vitals and allowed for my organs to work without fear of infection or further life threatening damage the only problem though is I was unable to move chin down. And what was my face looked like Deadpool and Freddy Kruger fused together after falling into a pit of acid. Needless to say I wanted to die. The doctors and scientist where absolutely kind to me they felt so much sympathy for me that they would go out of their way to try to bring any form of joy to my life. They would show me tv and cartoons when I was young. Given my circumstances and growing up around scientists and doctors you tend to be very smart and mature especially when the only stimulation you could receive was mental.  I guess you could say life wasn't absolutely terrible I got to be on tv often when they would come to visit me for talk shows, and celebrities would often try to give me moral support by either visiting or sending messages. I was in the world records, and a charity/research foundation was set up in my name. But those I could care less about since most were phony.

What I really loved was fiction especially but what really grabbed my heart was the story of a young boy who had a monster sealed within him much like me his fate determined for him from the beginning. You guessed it the series was called naruto and I loved it so much I learned everything about it I even once got to interview the creator about it and boy was he surprised when I asked questions no one had ever thought of before making him come up with new stuff in the series on the spot.  Eventually it ended much to my dismay but then it got a spin off series about the next generation I didn't like it anywhere near as much as the original but I stood by none the less. Now don't get me wrong it's not the only thing I watched but it was far and above my favorite. So you may be wondering how come I died well there was a earth quake that broke the chamber I was in and while the doctors tried to move me to the emergency backup. The exposure to the environment outside the chamber was to much for me to handle, I went into cardiac arrest and didn't make it. I hope they are able to use my body to find a cure.........

Now what of this darkness that consumes me, well I like it I'm finally not in pain and I can meditate and freely be content in this state of non existence . I stayed peaceful for a long time that was when I was pulled into some sort of place that was different there was light and color and energy in the place that's when I noticed I was a flooring orb with no control whatsoever.

????? " ahh you have finally arrived soul of my son I hope the journey to the different realm of existence helped you learn about what to do in your future journey. hmm you seem different than before. more than just the spirit of yourself and your reincarnations it seemed you have matured and your souls has grown sentience I see you may be confused to what's going on right now for you won't have any memory prior to your awakening, however you will still keep aspects of your past incarnations my looks like you have surpassed what I thought was possible. Even I with all my power have to keep myself in this state lest I loose all memory of the life as hagoromo. But you have transcended death in that aspect. I'm so proud of you my Asura. Now go it's time for you to be born again into this world Anew. Indra has the head start on you but I'm sure you'll surpass him in no time. The world is in the line far more than it has ever been my child take care for its up to you to end the cycle of hatred or else all will fall.

I was just absolutely stunned by what happened but I made sure to take everything the man said to heart, I new I had to once I saw his eyes the rinnegan, but then he said his own name and called me Asura I was overwhelmed to say the least. I part of me thought this was all the final thoughts of my oxygen deprived brain and I hadn't actually died yet but that was becoming less and less likely. I then went from darkness to no feeling to darkness with a warm wet feeling and putting together all the words meant that I was currently a fetus. Thinking things through there are three possibilities if this is all real.  Im going to be born as hashirama. I'm going to be born as a reincarnation that I do not know of or finally and most likely given the sage of six paths saying I have to end the cycle of hatred meant that I was going to be naruto. But what If I'm the wrong spirit and he didn't realize, am I going to replace the naruto I grew up idolizing and in return my greatest hero will never exist. How am I gonna be able to do it I've never even breathed on my own before let alone stop the near endless cycle of hatred that exists almost as if it were a part of nature itself. 

After much effort I've learned how to 'kick' ( the way a baby does before it's born) my legs which I'm beyond proud of since I never could move my legs in all my years of my prior life . But still I could not help but dread the prospect of being born

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