Calm before the storm

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Naruto POV

Kakashi realized that zabuza was still alive and now he bringing us out to train us. Tells us about tree walking while the other two start doing it I privately tell Kakashi that I already mastered tree and water walking which he didn't seem to surprised about he asked me if I knew what my chakra nature was. I told him that my primary was wind but I never tested for any secondary types which I wouldn't be surprised if I had. Especially since mom had wind , and yin release but dad had wind, fire, lightning, yin, and yang release. He handed me some chakra paper and I was about to activate it when Sakura reaches the top of the tree kakashi and I congratulated her and he told her to practice it more so she fully masters it to the point it's natural. She then asks why I'm not doing it to which kakashi said that I already new it, which shocked her and sasuke.

After using the chakra paper I find out I have lightning and fire as secondary and third nature affinities meaning I gained my all of my parents nature's. He then gave me the basic exercise for fire and lightning as well as a basic jutsu for both fire ball for fire and live wire  for lightning. Live wire was never mentioned in the series so I was interested, it is a basic jutsu that gets stronger with the users proficiency. The jutsu allows the user to shoot a electrical beam out of the part of their body by choice but for beginners it is comes from the palm. The stream of electricity can be used to harm or paralyze a target, depending on the strength the user puts into it, also its continuous until chakra is stopped being pumped into the move. Those who master it can use it from any part of their body and from multiple places at once. It can also be deadly.
The move can be increased with the use of natural water or water style.

I then begin to start the training for the chakra natures first and I use four clones to help me two on each element. You may be wondering why I'm not doing wind style well that's because I already mastered a few jutsu for it. So while I sit there trying to burn leaves and spark electricity from my fingers. Sasuke approaches me.

Sasuke " dobe when did you learn how to do this?"

I looked at him and gave a sad smile.

Naruto " it's one of the many things I learned with big brother shisui I also occasionally trained with him and well..... itachi."

This shocked him.

Sasuke " I knew you did stuff with shisui it you also learned from that bastard?!?!"

I shook my head yes and gave a sad face.

Naruto " hey teme since your my rival it's only fair I share with you some tips on how to do things I know, in return id like you to help me with fireball jutsu. Deal? "

I stuck my hand out for him to shake and he hesitated but shook it. I then beamed at him with a smile

I began to give him all the tips I could on tree walking in return he helped explain how to first kinder a fire in ones body to learn fire style then he gave tips on fireball jutsu itself. Honestly I was humoring sasuke and kakashi when it came to not knowing how to do a fireball while it's true I cannot so to never training fire element I new the techniques and hand signs for it thanks to reading in the ninja and uchiha libraries. However I did appreciate the tips on his feel ones inner fire that was very useful. The reason I wasn't wholly honest with them is so I could help build up trust and bonds .

By the end of the day I figured out how to manipulate my fire element , and sasuke and Sakura mastered tree walking I don't know since they did it so fast the next day kakashi started to teach them water walking at the dock meanwhile in the Forrest I was trying to perform and master the basics to fireball jutsu and still trying learn how to manipulate lightning style.

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