Bell test

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Naruto POV

Even though I knew I wasn't allowed to use my maximum anbu level skill yet I knew that even If I did use it I'd probably loose to a all out serious kakashi so I prepared every single thing i had and knew just in case for the bell test of course I wasn't going to show even half of it, but I could still pool out
Some higher level jutsu and get away with it because I can always say when I was younger I trained with shisui and itachi uchiha and I could use the excuse I read it in the forbidden scroll of seals. For lesser things that he'd be surprised about I could just say I read it in the library. However I knew the point would be teamwork but I knew the other two wouldn't work with me until it was told by kakashi that it was the point of the test.  However I must still try by putting in the effort.

Instead of a heavy breakfast I ate food pills which are so light on the stomachs it's impossible for them to make you sick, and they give you full nutrition so it would last me many hours. I then arrived at the location early, using this opportunity I decided to replace myself with a shadow clone and scout this part of the training grounds, I'll also hide while my clone distracts kakashi.

Naruto clone POV

Boss was letting me handle the easy stuff so I was happy to say the least I put up minimum effort at mid genin level combat while he attempts to convince sasuke and Sakura while I'd it doesn't work he will hide until it's time to display more impressive skill. My main role is to seem like I'm the original Naruto and since we read the scroll we learned every variation of shadow clone jutsu including the theoretical one where the clone can take multiple hits up until it's a knock out blow. Luckily being a genius allowed me two figure out how to do that using the Nara shadow techniques as a base we were able to realize a more physical form to shadows there fore we won't go down in one hot making us more useful for boss. 

While I was sitting there and thinking to myself and coming up with strategy's I hadn't realized hours had gone by and the other two genin were next to me and impatient they probably think I'm asleep since I'm laying against the tree with my eyes closed. I decided To use this to my advantage kakashi had showed up and explained the test to us and set the timer sasuke and Sakura hid while kakashi sweat dropped at my seemingly deep sleeping form.

Kakashi " I guess even hyper active knuckle heads need plenty of sleep to and apparently according to the other two he was sleeping since they got here. Well if he's wants to be hokage he needs to learn the basics of a shinobi am so can teach him two things now. Never let your guard down and expect the unexpected. "

He then casually strolled up to he was about two kick me to wake me up but once the leg approached me I jumped up with a fish aimed at his face. Mildly surprised by the sudden reaction he let out a slight hum. He blocked the punch so I grabbed his wrist and used it as leverage to twist my body mid air to aim a kick at his face he used his arm that I had a hold on and swung downward to misdirect my aim. Surprising him though I pulled out a kunai and slashed at his face while using his momentum he brought his other hand up with a kunai in it to block it but that's when I let go of his wrist and in a split second threw a shuriken at the hand that held his kunai he blocked it but was stunned when I actually showed the resolve to kill when my now in obscured kunai hand slashed his face only to be protected by the forehead protector over his eye.

When He saw this he decided to use some effort to put me in my place and speedily kicked me in the ribs making room between us as I flew away a few meters .

Kakashi " not bad good reaction time and you actually have the resolve to harm someone I'm beginning to like you . "

Naruto clone " well sensei you did say come at you with intent to kill besides I'm not gonna let someone kick me while I'm laying down I may not have been truly asleep but I was still resting my body before the other came by I did some exercises and training to limber up for today's survival practice but I had to wait for everyone to show up so I laid down and let the lactic acid I'm my muscles dissipate so I would be in my best form for whatever you threw at
Us besides it took a lot out of me to restrain my self , because I really wanted to set up a prank , however if I'm going to be hokage j got to be serious at times dattebayo."

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