Fate of zabuza and haku

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Naruto POV

Today I decided to sleep in, that was until I heard the ruckus downstairs. To thugs holding inari and his mom hostage I body flicker and knockout both of them. I then tie them up and with inari display them in the center of town where they will not get mercy from the towns people, they would be the first to get crushed in this revolution against gato. I tell inari and his mom to gather the towns people for the uprise. But first I interrogated the thugs to definitively know gato will betray zabuza.after that happened I went to the bridge to help with what's going on.

I make it to the bridge rush to kakashi.

Kakashi " Naruto what are you doing here help sasuke!"

Naruto " sensei gatos making moves behind zabuzas back, he plans on betraying him, unfortunately since he won't believe us if we tell him outright try to get him to prolong the fight, inform him of my discovery and see if he is patient enough to refrain from serious fighting, i have a feeling he won't be any for long, after all gato doesn't plan to pay him. I know it will be difficult but it could prevent unnecessary fighting and death. I'll see if I can do the same with his partner. "

Kakashi " I'll try if your so certain of this but I'll do what I have to do to make sure we make it out alive. I hope your right."

I nod to him and give zabuza a thumbs up as well which visibly confuses the rogue nin who couldn't here our talk.

I go to the ice Mirrors and use a fire ball on the back which fails then a explosive note which also doesn't do anything. So I jump in the center with sasuke.

Sasuke " dobe why did you enter now we're both trapped."

Naruto " teme it's more durable from the outside so in order for you too escape we need to combine strength on the inside. "

He nods in understanding. Me and him do our best to dodge and deflect the ice senbon, but since I'm not allowed to use full strength I'm getting impaled left and right, along side sasuke who has just activated his sharingan and manages to scorch some of Hali's clothes. When sasuke is about to be hit with the knock out senbon I jump in the way and tank it as well as several more as I succeed in throwing him out of the ice prison.

I then fall to a knee.

Naruto " hey haku now that it's the two of us I'm able to talk without worry of sasuke getting hurt. "

Haku " I'm sorry Naruto but you cannot y'all your way out of this...... please just give up."

I chuckle lightly.

Naruto " sorry your wrong my sweet little strawberry, (haku gets embarrassed I can tell by his heartbeat ) I have info that Gato plans on turning against you and zabuza. matter of fact any minute now they should be here to attack us all with his entire force of thugs so why don't you go back to zabuza right now and I'm sure you won't regret it. "

He hesitates before swiftly exiting to zabuzas side. Zabuza is currently surrounded by a mud wall that Kakashi used to temporarily trap him while so they could talk.

Sasuke is busy taking out senbon and bandaging I just flew my muscles and force chakra to push all senbon out simultaneously.

Zabuza " I'm not a patient man hatake I'll give you one more minute before I slice through this and come at you seriously.."

A minute goes by and zabuza lifts his blade. But then we here clapping from the entrance of the bridge.

Gato " I don't see zabuza anywhere must have been defeated and before his own minion too how pathetic. Well looks like you leaf ninja saved me the trouble of killing him as for you minion punk I'm going to have fun watching you suffer after what you did the other day grabbing my arm. Oh and look the leaf ninja are a bunch of brats.......... men kill them."

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