A day Off

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Naruto POV

Early in the morning After my daily exercises I sit down with a cup of tea in my office and challenge myself with inventing new types of seal, so right now I'm thinking of useful abilities I know of from fiction in my previous life and that's when I had a steady flow of content I have a few examples of these already made. Invisibility using a certain seal I can completely remove my presence from the world. To do this it's a space time jutsu based on the kamui where I can put my body into another dimension making it so I can interact with anything I want but be completely undetectable when doing such, the only problem of it right now is the two factor time restraint. First I can only physically handle being in this other dimension a certain amount of time before I am essentially locked into it, more research needs to be done to remove that risk the other restraint is one I forcibly applied it's a timed feature that automatically removes me from the dimension before I'm locked in it, hopefully it won't be necessary in the future (to play it safe I will store survival necessities as well as a metric shit ton of ink, pens and parchment, so if I get locked in I can force myself out with further seals.)

My second seal I made was a vastly superior Version of a explosive tag instead I can place a seal with the contact of any kind on a surface I wish and what it does is allows for me to turn what I into a bomb. It's based off Jojo bizarre adventure so rightfully so I named it killer queen. However unlike the stand there are many more restrictions with the use of the seal  such as the stand oils choose what it wanted to damaged by the explosion. On the other hand  I can't choose what is damaged with it nor can I scale the explosive power because larger the object the bigger the explosion. Honestly I had to put many safety features on it because of one of these bad boys where to be used on the ground without the security in the seals, it could turn the whole planet into a bomb. The security prevents shit like that from happening but it's still kinda sketch. And finally I've made a altercation to the gravity seal that allows one to fly at will. This is easily the safest of the seals I listed and has no repercussions hell it even has a auto pilot feature that will protect the user if they are unconscious. It can even avoid attacks automatically without disturbing the flight path of the user.

I finish my daily routine and go to the alter in my compounds great hall that has pictures and memorabilia of loved ones I have lost currently it holds only four people,  Mom, dad, shisui and Hiruzen Sarutobi.  I pray I won't have to increase the number of people on it and I pray I'm able to do right by those I've lost. Uniquely above the alter is a statue of the sage of six paths which I personally crafted so I'm able to honor him and have him guide my loved ones in the after life. The alter also depicts the Shinigami and how although everything must come to a end it is not a malevolent spirit it is the guide of those to the other plane. I also have it to symbolize the sacrifice a shinobi makes in life. At the bottom of the alter is a eternal flame that embodies the will of fire constantly flowing around the memorial however the fire doesn't burn nor does it distract from the memorial matter of fact one must enter the flames to truly enter the sanctuary. The ring of fire is actually part of a fully encompassing seal array that protects the memorial from any and all types of damage and the flames only let those through who are deemed worthy by my standards, it is also impenetrable by any type of space time jutsu meaning one must go through the trial not only the first time but every time they wish to enter. On the inside is the memorial and alters with plenty of symbolic artworks which I have hand made each of them displaying things such as the nine tails being sealed into me all the war to the battle against the ten tails. That the sage and his brother partook in.

The inside of the memorial is a infinite space to allow for room for growth the only two other than me who have entered here is Haku and jiraiya. Haku knows around two thirds of what I told jiraiya, what he doesn't know is most of the details because he assured me whatever happens he will stay by my side. Of course I've never exposed to anyone I know parts of the future.

I left the alter after a few hours of adding on to it.

I continued on having a basic day where I spent some time with iruka who was teaching the academy students and I decided to give him some assistance as a temporary teachers aide. Me and him talked about life and ate ramen together afterwards.

Most other are out doing missions right now however today is my day off . I go to visit shikamaru because I owe him a shogi match but he wasn't home however I ran into his dad.  I wound up talking to him about the village , ninja life and philosophy. Our discussion was surprisingly so long  that instead of standing in the door way we had continued it over a few matches of shogi which I started of a complete beginner at but after continuing and further learning the rules and how the game works I got better at it however I was no where near the level of Shikaku however he still complemented me saying I was the best non Nara at the game just barely squeaking in past asuma, and how he was impressed at my ability to learn and adapt in the moment.  He did mention though that the third hokage , the white fang and my dad where better players than me before they passed. We then talked about how kakashi would probably be very good at the game. He then joked how kakashi has always refused to play it because he was so competitive he'd be beating himself up if he were to loose.

Now nighttime I left the Nara residence and made my way home with my remaining hours before I decided to go to sleep I practiced using the kyuubi chakra, what I was attempting was to filter out the malice within the chakra so I'd get a purer form of energy. I had some mild success in my attempts but nothing I could yield in practical use.  So I wondered how Haku was doing on his mission and I went to bed having my usual night terrors, the only positive is I've had them for so long that my body no longer reacts when I'm asleep so other will think I'm sleeping peacefully. I'm great full for that because I'd hate to worry others with my problems.

Thats how I spent my day off.

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