Helping the sand

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Naruto POV

Team kakashi and team guy are at the gates ready to leave for the mission to the sand village we are about to depart on the multiple day long journey but before we could start running I made a shadow clones and had each grab a member of this missions shoulder then teleported us to one of my seals in the sand village. The sudden transition jolted everyone except me with surprise

Guy " that's sure was fast however I don't get to partake in the youthful journey ..."

Kakashi " well guy the less time traveling the more we get to help our allies and minimize death with the medical skills of Sakura. "

Lee " what wonderful consideration for our youthful allies Naruto "

I shrugged and noticed tenten and Neji avoiding eye contact with me hmm strange.

We made our way to the kazekage office and were met with a exhausted and lightly bandaged Gaara sitting with my clone that helped him.

Clone " hey boss sorry I didn't dispel and inform you sooner I sent a crow to message tsunade asap and stayed so I could help out in case of any threats that may come before your arrival "

Naruto " good work you may dispel now so I can gauge the information you've obtained. "

The clone nodded and dispelled and I was displeased by the information apparently the attack was far more brutal than in canon do to my clones presence so sasori had to participate to causing far much more damage since he even used his spy's to cause chaos within the sands ranks. They also seemed better trained than in canon must be do to my interference in the timeline putting more pressure on the akatsuki. So it looks like they've been training harder and preparing more. Gaara didn't even manage to destroy one of deidaras arms. We discuss the situation after explaining it to the rest of my squad we divi up work that's needs to be done Sakura needs to handle the Injured and positioned which numbers in the hundreds kakashi and guy will go around questioning people for any thing they've seen or heard in the attack that could be of use information wise , lee, tenten, and Neji  will help with work such as checking ware houses and stockpiles which were targeted in the attack and recovering anything useable. I have two jobs one is make a decent number of clones to assist the sand shinobi  in guarding the village and maintaining order and my primary mission is to currently be body guard to the kazekage  and his family. The main problem being temari is out of the village right now and should be on her way back from the leaf do to her ambassador duty, which means she may be a kidnapping target for the akatsuki.

I teleported away from the office and back to the entrance of the leaf village activated sage mode and lightning armor and blitzed through the path from the leaf to the sand and about 10 minutes and 292 miles in I found temari at a tea shop

I landed next to her scaring the shit out of everyone present. She jumped up and readied her fan a few milliseconds before the civilian noticed my presence

Temari " hold on Naruto is that you?"

Naruto " no time to explain temari (I place more than enough money down to cover her bill. ) it's a emergency I'm gonna teleport us to the kazekage office "

Temari " alright I'm ready "

I nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder and we appeared in the office.

Kakashi " nice for you to show back up after suddenly vanishing "

Naruto " temari has been retrieved lord kazekage, next we must secure kankuro ."

Gaara " about that he was poisoned by sasori after leading a  assault to stop him from destroying the shopping district he managed to get all of the civilians out of harms way however all survivors of the assault have are in intensive care."

I make three clones

Naruto " each of you three have a job to perform one of you must constantly supply Sakura with extra chakra so she has enough to deal with all of the injured, the second clone is to bring her whatever supplies she needs by any means necessary even if it means teleporting to other locations to gather supplies for her to work with, the third clone will be sakuras second pair of hands and will help Sakura by following her every order, since kankuro is under medical treatment I will leave guarding him up to Sakura and the hospital staff. "

Sakura " with this I may actually be able to treat everyone so boys you heard the original your my nurses let's head to the hospital. "

They head out ands does the rest of the leaf squad to carry out their duties. I make a fifty clones  so I could have one join every patrol of sand nin.

Noticing it getting dark temari suggest we head to their residence. 

Temari made dinner and then we sat in the dining room I looked at the photos on the wall of Gaaras family and interestingly enough I found a strange addition a photo of me from two years ago, how they got it I don't know

Temari saw me staring at my photo and gulped.

Naruto " hey Gaara how come there is a photo of me on your wall?"

Gaara " one day a few years back I saw one of your fan club selling photos of you so I figured if they had a decent photo of you I would buy it because it's common for people to have photos of their best friend."

Gaara stated matter of factly , temari face palmed and looked like A mix of ready to burst out laughing and sobbing in embarrassment .

Naruto " you should have just asked, dattebayo. Matter of fact I have a camera sealed so after we eat why don't we take a couple of photos  together that we we'd each have copies we can have temari take the photos. Believe it. "

Needless to say after we ate we took a few photos together I was doing different poses in each one and Gaara stood still with a small smile present on his face during the photo shoot.

I printed the photos and we each got a copies.

Naruto " hey Gaara buddy next time I have a vacation why don't I come back here to spend some time with you that way we can actually have fun and not worry about all the chaos that has happened, because I'm sure tomorrow work is going to seem endless."

Gaara " I'd like that being able to spend proper time with a friend without worrying about missions and all the responsibilities of a kage "

Naruto " it's decided then in the future we will schedule vacations for the both of us and spend them hanging out together I know a few places we could go . "

The rest of the evening was pleasant, you may be wondering why Gaara was not working tonight well the council agreed he should have the night off to recover from his fight. However the foreseeable future involves endless work for the poor guy given around 35 percent of the village was damaged and 67 percent of the damage was directed at vital locations for the villages ninja.

Temari POV

Gaara is so lucky Naruto himself is a oddball o warned him how awkward and troublesome the picture could be but he kept reassuring me that it was normal amongst friends. I'm just glad kankuro wasn't here when it happens he's make a clown of himself.

Naruto was so kind about it though after all he managed to become the first person to get Gaara to smile in photos . I'm gonna have to ask him for a copy so  I can save a memory of my adorable little brothers rare smile.

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