The Curse of Cornelius Sigan (Part 2)

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The next morning Gaius and the twins made their way to the council chambers to try and convince the King that Sigan's tomb should be sealed, especially since Rowan knew that Cedric was after the treasure and was stupid and greedy enough to take the stone in the casket possibly cursing all of Camelot. They entered and bowed politely while the King finished looking over some documents.

"Gaius. What is it you want?" Uther asked placing down the last paper and folding his hands.

"To seal up the burial chamber and all its contents." Gaius told him bluntly.

Uther looked shocked at the physician's bluntness before frowning."Don't be ridiculous."

"The insignia on this ring belongs to Cornelius Sigan. I believe it to be his tomb. In the Old Religion, the name Sigan means raven." Gaius explained hoping the King for once would listen.

"No wonder the riches are so great." Uther chuckled and Rowan slowly counted back from ten as to not just be done with the king and put his father on the throne.

"Then you are aware of the legends, Sire?"

Uther chuckled leaning back arrogantly in his seat. "Yes. I have always enjoyed the tale of the arrogant sorcerer who came to an untimely end." His grin turned Rowan's stomach and he gritted his teeth.

'Easy brother.' Arty whispered down the bond setting comforting thoughts to calm his brother. Rowan let out a breath and nodded faintly.

"According to the story, Sigan cursed Camelot. He said he would return and raze the city to the ground." Gaius continued.

"Gaius, you have long been my ally in the war against sorcery. You, more than anyone, should not give in to these irrational fears." Uther replied dismissively 

"If I may speak Sire, these are not 'irrational fears.'" Rowan said with a barely restrained bite in his voice. The King glared down at the raven-haired boy who glared back without fear, only scarcely concealed rage.

"You were not given permission to speak Boy!" Uther snarled and Rowan stiffened while Arty grabbed his arm holding him back, not that it would really stop him.

"I translated the writing on the sceptre last night, Sire." Rowan spat the title like a curse. "But it's clear you don't want to save your people from a horrible death so good luck." Rowan hissed before giving a jerky bow and storming out, the King, Arty and Gaius stared after him in shock before Arty quickly bowed and raced after him.

"I ought to have that child whipped for his behaviour." Uther growled before turning to Gaius. "Do not spread panic amongst my people. This is foolish superstition, nothing more." Uther finished before striding out of the room leaving behind an annoyed Gaius.


Merlyn meanwhile, had been running an errand for Gaius that morning and was late to bring Arthur his breakfast which had her racing through the castle balancing his meal and a pitcher of wine as she dodged guards and servants. She made it to his door and shouldered it open to find Arthur sat at his dining table with a buffet of food spread out in front of him and that little prick Cedric standing beside him with a smug smile on his face.

"Is that lunch?" Arthur asked with a smirk and Merlyn glowered while Cedric poured him another glass. "This is lovely, Cedric." 

Merlyn's stomach growled faintly as she placed the pitcher down and swallowed thickly before turning to Arthur. "Is there anything else that you need doing, Sire?" 

"No, I think Cedric's got it all covered." Arthur smiled brightly and Merlyn frowned.

Cedric tsked before turning to Arthur looking regretful. "Oh, I regret, Sire, there is one thing I failed to do. Uh, muck out your horses."

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