Sweet Dreams (Part 3)

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It was the last day of the negotiations before the Kings departed the next day, Lady Vivian was bored so she sought out Arty who had been sharpening his father's sword in the Prince's chambers. A series of sharp knocks came and Arty blinked out of his almost meditative state and placed the sword down, he quickly stood and moved to the door opening it.

Arty blinked in surprise. "Lady Vivian? What are you doing here?" He asked confused.

She smiled brightly. "I decided that I want to go out for a picnic while the men are talking business and I was wondering if you'd like to join me?"

Arty smiled faintly before nodding. "Of course, I'll meet you in the courtyard in an hour after I've finished my chores." He told her politely and she grinned happily.

"Alright, an hour it is." She confirmed before practically skipping off down the hallway. Arty shook his head at her antics before returning to the room and using his magic to quickly finish cleaning the room and polishing his father's armour so he could head down to the kitchens.

An hour later, Arty had a feast prepared along with his famous honey cake all packed into a basket with a small spell to keep everything at the right temperature. He quickly went to change into a red tunic and riding breeches plus collect his sword and lute. He then hurried down to the courtyard to find his mother saddling up Vivian's horse while his pony stood already saddled. He thanked his mother before handing her the heavy picnic basket to add to the Lady's horse, two of Olaf's knights would also be joining them.

Once they were ready Merlyn told them to be careful and waved goodbye before heading back to the castle, Vivian tapped her horse into a walk as she was riding side saddle while Arty trotted along beside her on his light tan coloured pony with a creamy white mane. They made their way into the woods and Arty lead the way taking her to a relatively safe area to the east of the city with a beautiful open glade by a small pond.

Vivian gasped as she came through the trees into the clearing "Oh, it's beautiful." She said in awe while Arty chuckled.

"This is where we come when Prince Arthur wants to go for a ride rather than a hunt." He tells her before dismounting and grabbing the blanket. He spread the blanket out next to the small pond where dragonflies were buzzing about lazily in the summer heat and frogs were croaking away merrily. Vivian dismounted and let her horse walk around the glade with Arty's pony while she brought over the basket. The two knights stayed under the trees surrounding the area keeping watch while Arty stretched out on the blanket soaking up the sun and Vivian began digging through the basket.

Arty had cooked up a roast chicken with a salad, some fresh fruit, and warm bread as well as the honey cake for dessert. They chatted idly while Arty casually played a few more traditional tunes and humoured the Princess with obscene limericks that he'd either heard or written.

Vivian clapped her hands together in morbid delight. "Oh, tell me another! These are wonderfully terrible." She giggled while Arty chuckled.

"That twisted ol' dude called Lee, had a thing for a woman's knee. He tossed her a coin, she kicked in his groin and now he is known as Cicely." He recited and Vivian burst out laughing with tears in her eyes, Arty could even hear the knights wetting themselves over in the trees.

"Another! Another!" She crowed in delight.

Arty cleared his throat dramatically. "There once was a fellow O'Doole, who found little red spots on his tool, his physician a cynic said get out of me clinic, and wipe off that lipstick you fool!" He finished with a shout that sent the Lady into a fit of hysterical laughter that had her rolling on the ground as she laughed so hard she was left breathless. Even Arty had to admit that was a good one and laughed along with her while the two Knights were leaning against trees for support as they held their bellies and laughed.

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