The Last Dragonlord (Part 3)

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They all rode in silence back toward the border, Arthur cast Merlyn worried looks at her stony silence while Arty's eyes seemed to blaze with the fire rolling beneath his skin. The sun was setting when they stopped to make camp in silence, Arty appeared with three rabbits which were now stewing along with some vegetables while Merlyn stared absently at the fire.

Arthur understood her disappointment but the silence was killing him. "I always thought that silence would be a blessing with you, but I find it just as irritating. You're a riddle, Merlyn." Arthur joked bumping her shoulder playfully hoping she'd even give him a ghost of a smile.

Merlyn rubbed at her puffy eyes. "A riddle?" She asked voice thick.

"Yes. But I've got to quite like you." He replied with a cheery smile.

Merlyn snorted quietly and raised a brow. "Yeah?"

"Now I realise you're not as big a fool as you look." He grinned before poking her with a stick he'd been digging into the ground while bored.

Merlyn huffed a laugh, some light returning to her ocean blue eyes. "Yeah, I feel the same. Now that I realise you're not as arrogant as you sound." She replied looking toward the sky with a smirk.

"You still think I'm arrogant?" He asked with a huff, but Merlyn heard the worry under it.

"No. More...supercilious." She decided with a wicked smirk.

Arthur laughed. "That's a big word, Merlyn. You sure you know what it means?" He taunted with a shit-eating grin.

"Condescending." She deadpanned. Arty snorted before trying to hide his laughter behind his hand.

"Very good." Arthur replied with a pout.

"Patronising." Merlyn added.

"It doesn't quite mean that." He told her, brow knitted.

"No, these are other things you are." She amended and Arty burst out laughing.

Arthur looked insulted. "Hang on!" He squawked.

"Overbearing." Arty added with a mischievous grin.

Arthur gaped at his son before glaring between them both as they ganged up on him, a twig snapped and both males head shot up as they scanned the forest before slowly standing and drawing their blades. Merlyn reached for her own blade glancing around warily as the two boys scanned the forest with their blades ready to strike. Some bushes rustle to Arty's right and he took a swing only for his blade to be blocked by another.

"Careful, boy. I thought you might need some help. This is dangerous country." Balinor warned as he stepped into the light of the campfire.

Arty lowered his blade and sheathed it before his eyes narrowed. "And will you return to Camelot with us?" He asked dourly.

"You are right. There are some in Camelot who risked their lives for me. I owe a debt that must be repaid." He answered with a faint smile. "And blood is thicker than water." He added ruffling Arty's golden hair before giving Merlyn an apologetic look.

"If you succeed in killing the dragon, you will not go unrewarded." Arthur assured him putting away his blade.

Balinor scoffed irritatedly. "I seek no reward."

Arty beamed brightly and grabbed his grandfather's hand pulling him along to the fire. "Great! Let's eat."


The next day they travelled till the sun was low in the sky before stopping to set up camp, they were hours from the border and would reach it by mid-morning tomorrow. Arthur went off to hunt while Arty and Balinor collected firewood and Merlyn set up the camp.

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