The Once and Future Queen (Part 1)

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It was the last weeks of Autumn and the weather had decided to have one last hurrah before it was swept away by the cold grip of winter so Uther had decided to host one last tournament before the season turned. Merlyn and the twins watched as one of the knights is unhorsed by Arthur as the lance shatters against the man's armour. Merlyn winced as the knight hit the ground hard while Arthur trotted toward them triumphantly and the twins cheered for their father's victory.

"That has got to hurt." Merlyn spoke as Arthur pulled his horse up beside her and handed her the shattered lance.

Arthur lifted his visor and rolled his eyes. "That's the point, Merlyn. It's not a pillow fight. Fetch me another lance, will you?" Merlyn nodded and moved over to the rack while the twins beamed up at him.

"Da, when can we learn how to joust?" Arty asked excitedly.

Arthur chuckled and took the lance Merlyn offered him before replying. "When you're big enough to ride a destrier." Arthur replied before lowering his visor and readying himself to joust Sir Leon. As Arthur jousts against Sir Leon, a flash of light temporarily blinds Arthur, leaving him vulnerable. However, Leon chooses to pull out rather than take his advantage. Arthur pulled his horse to a sharp stop at the other end of the field and practically threw himself from the horse tossing aside his lance and tearing his helmet off before stomping back toward a wary looking Leon.

"Why did you pull out, I was wide open? You could have unhorsed me." Arthur demanded raising his arms clearly irritated.

"I was fearful that I might injure you, Sire." Leon answered sheepishly while Merlyn and the twins sighed. Well, there goes the Princes's good mood.

As expected the Prince scowled. "You had the advantage. You can't afford to hesitate."

"I wouldn't have done if I were facing a different opponent. You are the future King, My Lord." Leon replied politely and Merlyn drew in a sharp breath.

Arthur glared at Leon who was starting to waver under his fury. "You jousted against me in the tournament last year. Are you saying you let me win?"

Leon hesitated. "No, My Lord."

Arthur gritted his teeth in anger before turning to the rest of his knights, eyes wild. "It doesn't matter who I am! I do not expect any special treatment from you, from any of you! Is that understood?" He roared and the knights nodded quickly in fear of the raging Pendragon Prince. Arthur then stormed off like a tantruming child while Merlyn turns to glare at the knights including Leon.

"Happy now?" She growled while they looked away unable to meet her eyes. Merlyn then let out a frustrated sigh before following after the Prince with the twins trailing.


Merlyn could already hear things being thrown when she rounded the corner to the Prince's chambers. The guards gave her a pitying look as she passed and she paused a moment with her hand on the door taking a deep breath before entering... only to have a goblet come flying at her head. Merlyn ducked the goblet and it hit the corridor wall hard, deforming the metal and ringing loudly down the hall. She shared a look with the stunned guards before entering and slamming the door shut, Arthur paced around the room grumbling under his breath while Merlyn glowered at him from the door.

"Are you finished acting like a child or do I need to take you over my knee?" Merlyn asked coldly. Arthur paused in his pacing to glare over at Merlyn hotly before his scowl faltered at her terrifying expression. She raised her brow in a way that would have made Gaius proud and Arthur deflated before nodding reluctantly.

"Good. Now sit down and talk to me, I can't help you if you don't talk to me." Merlyn told him sternly before waving her hand toward his favourite chair using her magic to push it out then turning and muttering a spell to clean up the mess he'd made before grabbing two goblets and the wine pitcher and placing them on the table. Arthur stared at her for a moment before walking over to take his seat, Merlyn poured him a drink then herself before sitting down and waiting patiently.

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