The Sins of the Father (Part 1)

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Several weeks had passed and Arthur's birthday had come and gone, Arty had been healing quickly but was still unable to walk on his own or speak more than one or two-word sentences. Anything longer was written down or Rowan acted as translater, he'd become bored lying in bed and demanded to be allowed outside before the confining walls of his room drove him insane. So every time training was being held Rowan would brace his bad side and help him hop down to the training grounds to watch wrapped in a blanket with ample food and water.

After the first few sessions Arty took to bringing some parchment, quill, ink and a board to lean on, he would watch the knights train and write reports on their progress and point out their fatal flaws. At the end of the first week, he handed his Father the reports with written recommendations of who was ready to pass final selections and others who needed more time. Arthur had been stunned by his son's initiative and asked why he'd done all this, he'd gotten the grumbled one-word answer of 'bored' and snorted with amusement.

Arthur had sneakily shown the reports to Leon who had been quite impressed and sat with him the next session asking questions and listening as he pointed out mistakes and accomplishments. Leon had to admit the kid was excellent at picking up mistakes and making suggestions for fixing them, so much so that Leon had recommended that once he was better he help Leon train the recruits which he'd happily agreed.

Three of the candidates that Arty had recommended had passed the final selection with flying colours, Arthur had been truly proud and Rowan had given him a noogie to congratulate him. They were stood in the Hall of Ceremonies the night after passing the final selection, Arty was standing on his good leg leaning against his mother and balancing with a crutch. Rowan was dressed in all black with his sword glimmering at his hip as he stood nearby the Prince on guard since Arty still had a long recovery ahead because he wasn't allowed to use his magic lest some get suspicious.

Arty was dressed in black trousers with only one boot and the other foot only protected from the cold with a double layering of socks, he wore a red tunic with his right arm in a sling and a black jacket hung over his shoulder to keep him warm. 

Uther began knighting the men. "Arise, Sir Vidor, Knight of Camelot. Arise, Sir Caradoc, Knight of Camelot." He sheathed his ceremonial sword before turning to look out over the new knights.

"You have been accorded a great honour. But with that honour comes great responsibility. From this day forth, you are sworn to live by the knights' code. You have pledged to conduct yourselves with nobility, honour, and respect. Your word is your sacred bond." Uther spoke nobility, Rowan stiffened suddenly catching Arty's eye.

"What's wrong?" Arty asked silently as he cast his eyes around the room for threats.

Rowan gaze shifted to the door and he quietly moved forward with a hand placed on the hilt of his sword. "We have a visitor." He replied cooly as Uther continued his speech.

"You will find no one who better embodies these values than my son, Arthur. Follow his example, and you will prove yourselves worthy of your title." Uther praised clapping Arthur on the shoulder, Arthur's face remained impassive as he watched the knights.

A shout from outside had heads turning as the sounds of steel clashing echos through the heavy oak doors. The door bursts open and a slight knight storms inside sword draw and coated in blood. Rowan's eyes narrow dangerously and a smirk twists his lips exposing his sharp canines, the newly made knights of Camelot draw their swords as the knight approaches. Arthur steps forward and the knight drops a gauntlet in front of Arthur cockily, Rowan who had been a step behind his father quickly moved and snatched it off the floor causing the court to gasp and the knight to stiffen in shock.

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