Beauty and the Beast (Part 2)

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Merlyn stood watching out Arthur's window as Uther helped Catrina mounted her horse with a grin that Merlyn had never seen before but could only describe as besotted. Strong arms coiled around her waist pulling her back into a firm chest before a pair of sinfully soft lips placed chaste kisses up the pale column of her throat. Merlyn hummed leaning back into Arthur's shoulder before reaching out to pull his face up to kiss him passionately.

Merlyn pulled away reluctantly and glanced back out the window to see Uther and Catrina trotting out of the courtyard. "It's time." She whispered, Arthur turned her to face him, concern creasing his brow.

"Be careful." He murmured before kissing her temple.

"Always am." She replied before stepping out of his embrace and leaving Arthur's chambers. She casually made her way downstairs to Catrina's room and made sure to check the coast was clear before lifting the latch and quietly slipping inside.

She quickly makes her way to the wardrobe and searches with her hands, eyes and magic but finds nothing so she moves around the room systematically looking for anything that could point to a spell or prove that Catrina was a troll. She finds the room looks undisturbed as if no one has slept there and there is a lingering stench that has Merlyn opening the window before going to check the last place, the bed. As she leans down to check the door opened, she starts to find Jonas glaring at her from the doorway.

"Can I help you?" He asks shortly.

Merlyn quickly pretends to be straightening the bedsheets. "No. Er, I-- I-- I was-- I was just changing the sheets."

"Please, go ahead. Don't let me get in your way." He replies with a creepy grin.

Merlyn gives him a fake smile before standing and smoothing down the bedsheets before heading for the door. "All done. Thank you."

"Merlyn," Jonas calls causing Merlyn to freeze and turn around slowly. "Aren't you forgetting something?" He asks turning around causing Merlyn to catch a glimpse of a green forked tail which has her almost swallowing her tongue in shock as he turns back around with the laundry basket. Merlyn gups and thanks him politely before taking the basket and hurrying out the door with Jonas glaring daggers at her back.


Merlyn hurried back to Arthur's chambers and entered quickly shutting the door while Arthur perked his head up from where he had been going through some of the papers on his desk.

"Well? What did you find?" He asked eagerly.

Merlyn shook her head. "Something wasn't right in there. There was this strange smell, and I could've sworn the Lady Catrina's bed hadn't been slept in. And there was something else." She trailed of worrying her bottom lip.

"Oh?" Arthur raised his brow expectantly.

"Jonas." Merlyn paused a moment before continuing.  "As I was leaving, I thought I saw something...this is gonna sound mad, but it looked like Jonas had a tail." Merlyn confessed causing Arthur's brows to disappear into his hairline.

"A tail? Are you sure?" Arthur asked shocked.

"Well, I mean, I only glimpsed it for a moment. I-I mean, I could be wrong..." Merlyn trailed off unsure.

Arthur shook his head before looking out toward to courtyard window. "No, no, I believe you. Merlin, we must keep an eye on her. A very close eye." He said and Merlyn nodded in agreement before moving to the window and spotting the King and Catrina coming back into the courtyard.

"Honestly. Look at them." Merlyn scoffed causing Arthur to slide up behind her and look out over her shoulder as Uther helped Catrina down from her horse and they giggled.

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