The Nightmare Begins (Part 1)

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There was a thunderstorm raging in Camelot that night and Arty was sitting in one of the open hallway window arches watching it with wonder as he did every time there was a thunderstorm. He loved watching the lightning streak across the sky and his magic with it as he opened his senses to feel the raging winds and claps of thunder rumble through his very being. Part of him wished to take the form of a bird and ride the winds and feel the chilling rain just to experience the freedom and wildness of mother nature.

He was dragged from his thoughts when he felt the pull of magic nearby, he turned his head from the storm raging above and search with his eyes and magic until he spotted a faint light shimmering in Lady Morgana's window. After a second it went out and he saw a shadow of movement, with the next flash of lightning he saw Gwen placing something by the window then movement again as she must have left the chambers. Arty shrugged before turning back to the storm and using his magic to shape the lightning into creatures and scenes before he felt the spike of magic again and turned to see the light in the window again. Arty frowned and shifted his eyes to see in the dark, he saw a candle lit in Morgana's window and could see her shifting in her bed restlessly before she suddenly sat up with a cry and her eyes flashed amber, the fire from the candle jumped higher and caught the curtains aflame. 

Arty quickly jumped from his perch and rushed down the hall as he heard her scream and looked just in time to see the large stained glass window explode out into the courtyard. He pushed his legs faster, made it to the door, and slammed it open, startling an already terrified Morgana.

"This way Aunty!" He cried holding the door open as she scrambled from her bed and raced into the hall. Once she was out Arty quickly pulled his shirt over his nose and mouth to block out the smoke while running for the bucket of water kept in Morgana's chambers.

"Arty what are you doing!?" Morgana cried in panic from the doorway, Arty ignored her and quickly threw the bucket on the curtains managing to douse most of the flames before quickly finding the water pitcher and putting out the rest of the flames. He turned as he heard the guards rushing in and pulled his shirt from his soot-stained face before glaring at them. 

"You sure took your sweet ass time." Arty snapped before dumping the water pitcher on the table while the guards looked surprised and Arty coughed clearing his lungs of the little smoke that got in, Morgana suddenly pushed past them and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug.

"You silly boy you could have been hurt!" Morgana scolded with tears in her eyes.

Arty smiled faintly and gave her a reassuring pat on the back. "I'm okay Aunty." He replied before pulling away to study her. "Are you alright though?" He asked her gently as she looked on the brink of tears. She nodded and Arty sighed before wandering over to find her dressing gown and passing it to her along with a pair of slippers.

"Let's get you to Gaius while this mess is cleaned up." He told her and nodded once, shaking slightly as he led her from the room down to the physician's chambers.


Merlyn quietly cleans the soot and glass fragments from the floor as the King and Prince survey the damage while Gwen stands nearby wringing her hands.

"I came back in with some extra blankets. There was a candle, but I put it out." Gwen explained to the king keeping her eyes lowered.

Uther glared at her coldly. "Are you sure?"

"I blew it out, I swear." She said her voice barely above a whisper.

Arthur watched his father from the corner of his eye as he tried to pin the crime on Guinevere and decided to step in knowing Gwen would never do such a thing to Morgana. "Gwen's been Morgana's servant for years. If she said she blew it out, I believe her."

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