Freya (Part 1)

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It had been weeks since the incident involving a bull-headed Prince and an enchantress with ulterior motives. Since Merlyn's death and resurrection, she had felt different but she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, also, the twins and Arthur's relationship was on thin ice. Arty had hidden in the library trying to research his mother's immortality, if that's truly what it was, while Rowan had been attending training but his blows had been more vicious than usual. More than one knight had found themselves on the receiving end of Rowan's ire but where his brother and father's wrath burned like fire, his was cold as ice. He even had to make sure his shadows weren't slipping or the grass wasn't frosting over when he let loose on the knights.

Arthur had tried reconciling with them both but they had hardly spoken two words since that day and he knew he deserved it, hell he hadn't spoken to his father unless absolutely necessary since the incident. He hadn't even spoken to Merlyn, who though no longer injured, had been given a few weeks off under the pretence of letting her wounds heal to keep the others from getting suspicious. Merlyn had tried to reassure him but he'd closed himself off and barely left his chambers other than for meetings.

Merlyn had finally had enough of the glacial wasteland forming between her family and decided things needed fixing and they needed it now. Merlyn marched down the hall passing by knights and guards who all shot her pitying looks as she had both hands and her right shoulder bandaged to give the illusion of injury, she ignored them all and in typical Merlyn fashion slammed open the door to Arthur's chambers without knocking.

Arthur sat in front of an untouched plate of food while George, Arthur's temporary servant, fluttered about the room straightening things and getting the room ready for Arthur to turn in. Arthur barely flinched and slowly lifted his gaze to find Merlyn stood there with her arms crossed, his eyes widened and he shot out of his seat.

"Merlyn? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting." Arthur stuttered his voice horse from disuse or possibly tears.

Merlyn's eyes flicked to George. "Leave us please George." Merlyn spoke softly and Arthur paled.

George froze and glanced at Arthur for leave, Arthur dipped his chin and George dropped the pillow he'd been fluffing and quickly made his exit shutting the door silently behind him. Merlyn studied Arthur as he stood shuffling nervously, almost afraid of being alone in a room with her, sighing she walked forward and gestured for him to sit back down before doing the same. He sat hesitantly, scarcely making eye contact and Merlyn frowned.

"So this is it then?" Merlyn asked coldly and Arthur stiffened, fearful summer blue eyes meeting her own.

"What?" Arthur asked breathlessly.

Merlyn shrugged tears pricking her eyes. "You haven't spoken to me in weeks or tried to fix things with the boys and now you're terrified to be in the same room as me." She took a deep breath before fixing Arthur with a steady gaze. "So is this it? Don't you love me anymore?" She asked her voice trembling slightly.

Arthur gaped at her in shock before shaking his head vehemently and standing to then kneel at her feet and take her hands. "No, gods no." He whispered shaking his head and clutching her hands tightly. "I love you, Merlyn. I never stopped" He promised.

Merlyn ran a hand through his dull gold hair before cupping his chin and forcing him to look at her. "Then why are you avoiding me?" She asked quietly her eyes pleading. 

Arthur closed his eyes letting a tear fall before opening them, there was fear there, vulnerability and Merlyn waited. "I don't want to lose you... When I thought you were gone I lost everything, my courage, my heart, my soul." Arthur hesitated before continuing. "When Rowan blamed me I believed him, I still do... and I would have let him kill me for what I did." Arthur finished before letting out a choked sob and hanging his head. "I don't deserve you after everything I've done, I'm not worthy." He whispered his voice thick with tears.

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