The Witchfinder (Part 2)

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Arthur and Merlyn followed Aredian and the guards to Gaius's chambers in resolute silence, once inside the Guards begin smashing and tearing apart the room in their search for magical objects. Arthur spots the blue jar with powder in it and frowns before stepping further into the chaos of the room.

"Careful, please! That's my life's work!" Gaius cries trying to pick up the papers and books being scattered across the floor and crushed, Merlyn quickly moved to help him pick them up.

"Comb every inch. The sorcerer is a master of concealment." He instructed the men with a cold stare and a cloth held to his still broken nose.

Arthur stepped forward and grabbed Aredian's arm. "There's nothing here, Aredian!" He snarled.

The Witchfinder sneered at the Prince and jerked his arm out of Arthur's grip. "I'll be the judge of that. Over there behind this tapestry. In there, upend that stool. Be sure to check for hollow legs. In there within those powder jars." Arthur stiffened at the mention of the jars and turns as Leon, who didn't know about the jar, pulled it off the shelf and smashed it on the ground.

In the middle of the pile of blue powder sat a bracelet with a glowing yellow gemstone, the Witchfinder grinned victoriously before stepping forward to pluck the bracelet from the floor and hold it out for all to see.

"An amulet of enchantment. Were you aware, physician, that your assistant's children kept instruments of sorcery?" Aredian asked Gaius who looked shocked.

"No." Gaius whispered.

"Well, our work is done. I must inform the King." Aredian said before moving towards the door, Arthur stopped him with a crushing grip on his upper arm.

"You're forgetting Aredian, they are children, what would children need with a woman's bracelet and they already suspected you of planting the evidence." Arthur turned to glare at the Witchfinder who looked nervous. "So tell me did you plant the evidence?" Arthur asked, his voice a low rumble.

The Witchfinder swallowed and stood straight but his eyes betrayed his deception. "No, why would I? Perhaps those two sorcerers do have you under their spell..." Arthur struck quick as a viper, striking Aredian's cheek sending him stumbling to the floor.

"Speak of my squires like that again and I'll let them duel you to the death and I can assure you they will win." Arthur snarled before grabbing Aredian by his collar and pulling him in close. "I know you're lying and when I get the evidence to prove it, I will tear your traitorous head off with my bare hands." He vowed as rage burned in his veins, he released Aredian who quickly scrambled to his feet and made his exit.

He jerked his head at his men and they too made a quick escape except for Leon who looked remorseful at having been the one to seal their fate. Once alone, Merlyn let out a choked sob as she fell to her knees amongst the scattered papers and broken objects, Arthur immediately rushed forward to pull her into his arms as she sobbed.

"It's all my fault! He's going to kill my babies." Merlyn was in hysterics and a witch whose children were threatened was a dangerous situation for all involved.

Arthur pulled away and brushed her hair back before cupping her face, noting the golden tears leaking from her eyes. "They will be fine, they are strong and we will not let them burn." He told her firmly, her face twisted in grief at the mention of fire before Arthur gently kissed away her tears. "We only need my Father to see that Aredian is a fraud and he will have no one to protect him." Arthur assured her and she took a shuddering breath before nodding and leaning into his chest as she calmed down.

Soon she calmed enough that Arthur was able to help her to her feet before smiling at her lovingly. "We will make this right." He promised, Merlyn took a breathe and nodded before they turned and squared their shoulders, ready for war.

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