The Sins of the Father (Part 3)

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The next day they stop at a sparkling lake with a roaring waterfall at the opposite end, Merlyn glances around and sends out her magic but sense nothing but the usual bustle of nature and frowns. "It seems your horse has brought us to a dead end." Merlyn states with a raised brow and as if the horse heard her he began moving forward into the water while Arthur fruitlessly tries to stop him.

"Now where's he going?" Arthur growls in frustration as the horse continues moving in till the water is up to Arthur's thighs.

"I think you're going to get wet." Merlyn called out, amusement evident in her voice.

"You don't say." Arthur scowled as his horse continued without pause. 

"Arthur?" Merlyn called warily as he passed through the waterfall. Merlyn and Rowan exchanged looks before shrugging and starting to follow, Rowan muttered under his breath and as their horses stepped toward the water they stepped onto a compact surface of magically solid water. Merlyn gave Rowan an appraising look and he shot her a cheeky grin, when they got to the other side Merlyn lifted her hand and the waterfall parted like a curtain revealing Arthur waited on the other side who was looking at them both in awe as they literally walked on water.

"Couldn't have done that for me?" He grumbled as water ran out of his sopping wet clothes.

Merlyn huffed a laugh. "Don't be such a baby." She teased before waving her hand leaving Arthur's clothes bone dry. 

He blinked in surprise before smirking. "Knew you were good for something." Merlyn scowled in response before turning her eyes to the enchanted castle surrounded by undisturbed woods.

"Where are we?" Merlyn asked casting her gaze around suspiciously as her horse shifted nervously under her.

"I don't know." Arthur said also assessing the enchanting woods.

Rowan heaved a sigh as he stepped his horse slightly ahead. "If we weren't sure Morgause was a sorceress before, we can be certain of it now." He stated getting an agreeable hum in return from his father.

Arthur tapped his horse into a walk with the others following as they made their way to the ruins of the fortress. Once just outside they dismounted and checked their weapons before making their way up the crumbling staircase making sure to keep an eye out for anything magical as well as a surprise attack. They entered into a chamber empty except for a block of wood with an axe, ivy was growing over every vertical surface in nature's attempt to reclaim the castle.

"Now what?" Arthur asked looking around warily. 

Merlyn shrugged with a mischievous smile. "Maybe we should ask the horse." She teased and Arthur glared. "Well, there's no one here." She said and was promptly proven wrong as Morgause descended the stairs in a stunning red dress that hugged every curve.

"You came." She smiled cooly and Arthur tensed, one hand on his sword.

"I've come to see what you know about my mother." He spoke firmly and Morgause smirked. "I know you would not give such information freely, what will be your price?" He asked cautiously and a look of surprise crossed her face before she cocked her head and studied him curiously.

"Place your head on the block." She commanded and picked up the axe, both Merlyn and Rowan grabbed an arm each in warning and Arthur shook them off. "You gave me your word that you would do anything I asked. This is my price." She purred, waiting.

Arthur worked his jaw and flicked his eyes between Morgause and the wooden block. "Arthur don't." Merlyn whispered her voice strained.

Arthur ignored her and stepped forward kneeling down to place his head on the block. "What are you doing? I won't let you do this!" Merlyn cried, he could hear the terror in her voice but he swallowed down his fear and ignored her.

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