Beauty and the Beast (Part 3)

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Rowan burst inside the physician's chambers panting to find Gaius, Arty and Merlyn already there.

"Rowan, what's going on?" Gaius questioned, Rowan shook his head unable to speak before he heard the running footsteps heading for the Physician's chambers. Arthur and Leon burst in next with Morgana right on their heels.

"What happened?" Arthur asked, eyes wild.

Rowan waited till Morgana had closed the door and everyone was seated before taking a deep breath. "Catrina has enchanted Uther with a necklace and he now bows to her every whim, we can no longer convince him." Rowan tells them sadly and Arthur jumps to his feet in anger.

"Why didn't you stop her!" He shouted at Rowan who blinked in shock while Merlyn stood and stepped into Arthur's path.

"Calm down Arthur! Let him explain before you start screaming at him." She snarled defensively causing Arthur's nostrils to flare angrily.

Rowan stepped between them and pushed them back. "Stop this isn't a time to be fighting amongst ourselves." He snapped before looking to his father. "I didn't realise until too late about the necklace and if I had done something there would have been too many witnesses." He explained causing his father to calm down, nod and sit back down with a muttered apology.

Morgana looked around anxiously before deciding to speak. "If the King can't be reached how do we stop her?" She asked quietly.

"It's no good. I can tell him she's a troll until I'm blue in the face, he simply won't listen. He sees a charming, beautiful woman." Gaius sighs.

"Yeah, with a body like a tree trunk." Arty comments.

"But we only know that because you saw her in the troll form." Gaius says while getting a look in his eye that indicates a plan forming.

"So, what do we do?" Arthur asks despondently. 

Gaius smirks. "We must open Uther's eyes, show her for what she really is."

"Using magic?" Merlyn asks with a raised brow.

"It's the only way to reveal her true form." Gaius tells her apologetically.

"You want me to use magic in front of the King?" Merlyn squawks in panic.

"Yes, Merlyn, I do." Gaius tells her firmly.

Merlyn stares at him, mouth agape. "I--I'd never get away with it." She stutters out nervously.

Gaius smiles at her apologetically. "I'm sorry, Merlin. I know how dangerous this is, but we cannot allow it to gain any further control over the King. Who knows what the consequences might be?"

Merlyn sighs and runs a hand down her face. "Just one problem. I know nothing about troll magic." She tells them before Arty sighs and retrieves a heavy tome from the shelf and slams it down on the bench.

"Then we have work to do."


Gaius wander down the corridor after delivering all the medicines for the day when the King appears around the corner startling him.

"Ah, Gaius. You'll be delighted to hear that none of the worries you brought to my attention have any truth to them whatsoever." Uther tells him brightly as Gaius spots the necklace and sees the pendant glow red before lifting his eyes to meet the King's distant ones.

"Sire?" Gaius questions having not heard the King properly in his distraction.

"I hope over time you will come to see Lady Catrina as she really is." Uther continues with a goofy smile plastered on his face.

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