Sweet Dreams (Part 2)

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Rowan knocked on the door to King Alined's chamber, there was a long silence before the door was unlocked and opened swiftly, Rowan looked up to find a sword pointed in his face and smirked. "What are you doing here Boy?" Alined snarled.

Rowan cocked his head and gave the king a pleasant smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I came to speak with you." He replied sweetly.

Alined snorted imperiously. " What could you possibly wish to speak to me about? I should call the guards!" He snapped. Rowan's face darkened, he did a quick check to make sure they were along before snapping his hand up and using his magic to launch the king off his feet and into the room.

Alined hit the foot of the bed and landed on his side, his crown rolling away as it slipped from his brow. Rowan stepped inside the room before snapping his fingers causing the door to slam shut ominously behind him, Alined lifted his head in a daze and gaped at the boy standing before him, eyes burning silver.

"You-you have magic!" He gasped as he quickly sat up. "GUARDS!!!" The King screamed in terror, Rowan chuckled evilly before it evolved into a full-blown mad laugher.

"I've warded the room! No one can save you now." He giggled with glee while the King was white with panic.

"Wh-what do you want from me?!" Alined cried scrambling back till he hit the foot of the bed trapping himself.

Rowan grinned showing off his sharp canines and gleaming white teeth, he raised his hands in front of him and clapped them once sharply, shadows exploded swallowing the room in eerie darkness that moved and swirled like mist. The King let out a strangled scream as he stared at the boy before him, Rowan laughed at the man's fear before calling on his shapeshifting magic to change him into his half-dragon form as well as an adult version of himself.

Rowan's body snapped and stretched as he shifted, it hurt more than usual but he ignored it once he was in his adult half-dragon form. His magic didn't like him making himself older but he gritted his teeth and forced himself to stay that way. He was about an inch or two taller than his father as well as slightly less broad shoulders, he had long legs like his mother and a jawline that could cut through solid steel. His eyes were completely silver casting his face in a nightmarish glow, his wings were almost thrice his height in length nearly filling the room as he spread them to their limit.

Alined was quivering as he gazed up at the boy who was now a man/creature. "What are you?" He asked with a trembling voice.

Rowan grinned down at the king with razor-sharp teeth. "A guardian." He replied, voice smooth as silk. He began moving closer to the King who squeaked in fear. "And I am here to give you a warning." He told him coldly before crouching down to be at eye level with him.

"You will leave Camelot in the morning and you will not return." He commanded, voice smooth and rich as a fine wine. "If I hear even a whisper of you raising an army against Camelot I will gather the other guardians and we will wipe you and your miserable kingdom off the map." Rowan's voice was a thunderous rumble as he layered his draconian vocals over his human ones.

Alined gulped before seeming to gain some courage. "You're clearly a creature of magic, why do you protect the man who killed your kind?" He demanded, his voice cracking with terror.

Rowan chuckled and cocked his head curiously. "If you're speaking of Uther, you are correct, I don't protect him." Rowan replied with a slight growl in his voice. "Prince Arthur is the one I protect."

Alined blinked in surprise before smirking. "So the young Prince has magical guardians right under his nose and he doesn't even know it."

Rowan huffed a laugh. "Oh he knows about us, he's even lied to the King to protect our identities. He certainly isn't his father and will one day be the greatest king to have ever ruled Albion." Rowan's voice softened with affection as he spoke.

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