Winter Solstice (Part 1)

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Again, a time of great celebration was approaching as the castle was decorated with Evergreen, Mistletoe, Holly and Kissing bough for the upcoming Yule celebrations in Camelot. Thankfully in Camelot due to Uther's hatred of magic, the Yule celebrations were held on the 25th day of the month leaving the druid celebrations to be held on the intended days between the 21st and 23rd. Because of this, Arthur was excited to be able to join his sons and future wife for the druid celebrations before coming home to Camelot's Yule feast as he had not been able to attend last year because he had been ill.

Leon and Morgana had decided to come this year as this would be their first druid solstice celebration, Gwen was even keen to join in after finding out about the twins magic and eventually Morgana's magic. Even going so far as to sit in on their magical practice sessions that were held once a week in Arthur's chambers under said Prince's observation while Merlyn and the twins taught Morgana all they knew.

So that's how they came up with the plan that Arthur would leave a few days early to go out on patrol with Leon to the eastern borders before heading to the Druid camp in the Forest of Geancy inside Cenred's Kingdom. Merlyn and the twins would leave the next day with the excuse of going to visit her mother for the solstice while Morgana and Gwen were going to go with them so Morgana could visit a 'sick' friend but in reality, they would travel with Merlyn to the camp hopefully with the other two arriving a day after them once they finished the patrol.

Merlyn had made sure to pack spare unremarkable travelling clothes for Arthur so he could change out of his Camelot attire to go unnoticed across the border, she had also gone through and cleaned out his wardrobe of any old clothes that he no longer wore and packed them up to bring as an offering at the druid camp.

"Merlyn?" Arthur called as Merlyn double-checked she had everything.

"Yes, Arthur?" She said raising her head to find him dressed in his warmest clothing and armour.

"Make sure you only travel on the roads I've marked for you, the others are infested with bandits." Arthur reminded her as he handed her a map. Merlyn couldn't help but smile at the gesture before she leant up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Thanks, Love, you be sure to take care of yourself as well." She replied before storing the map away in her inner jacket pocket.

"Well be sure to finish the patrol as quickly as possible then meet you at the camp." Arthur rambled tugging at his warm leather gloves nervously clearly not wanting to leave Merlyn and the other's to travel alone across the kingdom into an enemy one.

Merlyn smiled fondly at her nervous fiance before walking forward and pressing a palm to his chest before slowly moving him back until the back of his legs touched the bed before she gave him a gentle shove. He fell back willingly with a small 'oof' causing Merlyn to giggle before climbing over him and caging him with her body. Merlyn gave him a languid kiss and Arthur sighed into it as he relaxed before she pulled away to speak.

"You have nothing to worry about." She said lightly sweeping his golden locks out of his stunning blue eyes. "I'm the most powerful witch to walk the earth and Rowan's power is wound so tight right now he could level the city with half a thought." Merlyn kissed him again slowly, exploring every inch of his mouth earning her a low moan. "You and Leon are the ones who need to be worried about but I have faith in your abilities as a knight and know you will both be fine."

Merlyn pulled back and watched as the worry eased a little as he ran his hands slowly up and down her sides with heavily lidded eyes. She rested her cheek on his cool armoured chest just listening to him breathe and the faint thudding of his heart as she sighed in contentment. Merlyn delighted in hearing the low rumbling of a chuckle vibrate through her from Arthur.

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