The Nightmare Begins (Part 3)

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Rowan gently knocked on Morgana's door that afternoon and waited patiently for her to open it, when she did she looked better than she had in days and quickly ushered him inside. She shut the door taking care to make sure it closed silently before turning to Rowan while wringing her hands nervously.

"Did you find them?" She asked quickly.

Rowan smiled at Morgana's eagerness. "Good evening Aunty, you're looking much better." Rowan replied causing Morgana to flush with embarrassment.

"Thank you, the charm you gave me has really helped." She answered and Rowan smiled happily before guiding her to sit at the dining table.

"You still haven't answered my question Rowan." Morgana prompted, her eyes dart around the room as if they were being watched causing Rowan to do a quick sweep to make sure the coast was clear.

"I understand. I realise how frightening all this must be for you. Especially for you." Rowan said gently.

"Why especially for me?"

"You're the King's ward. You know his hatred of magic better than anyone." Rowan sighed before pouring them both a drink. "And yes, I have found the druids in Camelot."

Morgana's eyes lit up at that and she smiled with relief. "Oh, that's wonderful! Where are they?" She asked excitedly.

Rowan shifted uncomfortably before taking a sip of water. "I will tell you but first there is something else..." Rowan began just as there was a knock on the door.

'Right on time.' Rowan thought before standing and going to answer the door. He opened it to find his brother, father, mother and Sir Leon looking nervous before he smiled politely and held the door open for them to enter. They all hurried inside so Rowan could shut the door quickly before turning to a startled looking Morgana.

"What are you all doing here?" Morgana asked curtly jumping to her feet, trying and failing to hide the fear in her voice.

Arthur sighed deeply before stepping forward and gently placing his hands on Morgana's shoulders. "Listen, Morgana...I've always thought of you as family, as my sister so I want you to know that I would never hurt you that I would accept you no matter what." Arthur rambled nervously before Merlyn rolled her eyes and stepped up beside him.

"What our dear Prince is trying so eloquently to say is we know about your magic and we will protect you no matter what, even from Uther." Merlyn told her gently.

Morgana gaped at them and stepped back in shock before turning to Rowan. "You told them?" She asked her voice rising in pitch.

Rowan winced before shaking his head. "No, Mother and Prince Arthur found out when you were talking to Gaius. Brother and I found out then too but poor Leon simply got caught up in a conversation between us and the Prince so he found out as well." Rowan explained while Morgana watched them all warily.

"We're here to help you, Morgana." Arthur told her quietly and Morgana let out a long sigh before sitting back at the table and running a hand through her hair.

"I'm scared, Arthur." She whispered as the tears filled her eyes. Arthur sighed through his nose before walking over to take her hands, crouch by her chair and look up into her emerald eyes with a kind smile.

"I know Morgana and I'll be here with you every step of the way." He promised. Morgana let out a choked sob before collapsing into his arms and bursting into tears. He gently ran his finger through her hair and murmured assurances doing his best to calm her down. He soothed her until her sobs turned into hiccups and she pulled away stiffly; not used to showing affection to Arthur in particular.

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