Lancelot and Guinevere (Part 3)

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Gwen was watching Rowan sleep restlessly when she heard movement above her and stood to look through the small window into Lancelot's cell.

"Gwen." He whispers hopefully.

Gwen smiles in response. "Lancelot."

"I was terrified I might find your cell empty." He admitted, relieved that she was alright.

"There's been no word from Uther. I fear Hengist is growing suspicious." Gwen tells him worriedly.

"You must keep up the pretence. I will not allow you to die here." He promises, gripping her hand through the bars.

"What about you?" She asks.

"I have little to live for." He replies sadly.

"Do not say that." She chastises.

Lancelot sighs tiredly. "It's the truth. For all my words, for all that I believed, I have come to nothing."

"You are everything that is right with this world." Gwen tells him fiercely causing him to perk his head up in surprise.

He remains at a loss for words before hesitantly replying. "I did not know you felt that way."

"I didn't even know I could feel this way about someone." She admits truthfully.

Lancelot genuinely smiles before gently caressing her cheek through the bars. "Then you have given me a reason to live. Be ready. I will come for you before nightfall." He warns her before moving away from the window leaving Gwen blushing with a small smile gracing her features.


A while later, the cell door is opened and two guards rush in to pull Gwen to her feet and drag her from the cell. Rowan stirs weakly and reaches toward Gwen but collapses in what Gwen hopes is exhaustion before she is dragged away alone. She's taken through the castle to the room with the cage where Hengist is waiting for her with a face like thunder and shoved inside causing her to cry out at the pain shooting through her leg.

Hengist begins pacing around Gwen who remains on her hands and knees trying to keep the weight off her ankle. "Morgana. Morgana! I keep asking myself, Why does Uther not pay the ransom? He's a rich man, why would he leave his beloved ward to suffer a slow and terrible death?" He says rubbing his chin in mock thought.

"I don't know. Please. Please..." Gwen begs. Hengist sneers and begins stalking toward her causing her to move onto her ass and back up into the corner of the cage where he grabs one of her hands holding her still while he glares down at her, his horrid breath almost making her gag.

"It must be very upsetting to know that Uther has abandoned you. It seems like no one in the world cares for you." He spits while Gwen keeps her eyes turned away in fear.

"I don't know why he doesn't pay. Please, I don't know." She whispers terrified.

Hengist regards her hand for a moment before turning to the guards. "Take her to her cell. Bring Kendrick to me." He commands before watching Gwen with a scrutinizing glare. "Perhaps he can tell me why the Lady Morgana has the hands of a serving girl." He finishes before Gwen is once again dragged uncaringly through the halls of the castle to her cell.

Once she is shoved inside and the cell door closed with a resounding bang, she hobbles to Rowan who has become sickly pale and remains unmoving from where she'd left him. She shakes his shoulder trying to rouse him but he barely twitches, beginning to panic she places an ear to his chest and hearts the faint beating of his heart which seems to be getting slower causing her to shake him more violently but still he does not stir.

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