The Once and Future Queen (Part 3)

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It was not over quickly, Arthur was sat at the table exhausted from the sheer amount of concentration he'd used over the past few hours as his son methodically taught him the basics of cooking and guided him through the process of making roast chicken with garlic, thyme, roast vegetables and a 'to die for' gravy. He'd cut himself a few times in the process but Arty had healed the cuts quickly to stop him from getting blood everywhere for which Arthur was grateful. But despite the exhaustion and the stress he was quite proud of himself because Arty hadn't taken over and made him sit in the corner-No, he'd demonstrated how to do something then let Arthur repeat the action and had only stepped in to correct it if he was doing it wrong so Arthur had made the whole meal himself with Arty coaching him from the sidelines. Arthur stored this information for later knowing that his son would be great at teaching new recruits if he could put up with teaching Arthur for several hours and not get angry once.

The meal was almost finished roasting in the wood oven so Arthur stood to stir the congealing gravy while Arty went about setting the table and placed a fresh bunch of flowers in a vase in the centre. Just then the door opened letting in the sound of laughter as Merlyn, Gwen and Rowan walked in joking about something before seeing Arthur at the stove with a raised brow and Arty smirking triumphantly. 

"Welcome back, dinners just about ready." Arthur said with a bright smile and Merlyn looked at him suspiciously. 

"How much did you do?" She asked but Arty stood in to answer for him.

"Dad did just about everything after I showed him how to do things." Arty told her proudly patting his father on the back before pulling out her chair for her to sit. Merlyn raised a brow but said no more and took her seat as did Gwen and Rowan. Arthur and Arty pulled the perfectly roasted chicken out and set about carving it up, Arty giving precise instruction as he went. Soon everything was laid out and Arthur had to admit it looked fit for a King as his son had promised. Everyone served themselves and Gwen took the first bite.

Gwen's eyes lit up with surprise and she looked at the Prince in wonder. "It's amazing My Lord." She praised and Arthur blushed while rubbing the back of his neck shyly.

"Thank you Guinevere and please, call me Arthur." He replied and Gwen blushed and nodded.

Merlyn smiled faintly before taking a bite and she had to admit it was one of the most delicious things she had ever tasted, she barely bit back a moan at the flavours and the texture of the chicken and roast vegetables. She looked up to see Arthur watching her with quiet hope and she smirked before shrugging.

"S'alright." She said and Arthur looked gutted before Merlyn chuckled. "I'm kidding Arthur, it's the best thing I've ever tasted." She told him with a genuine smile and Arthur looked elated.

"I'm glad you like it and I'm sorry for how I've been acting the past few days, there was no excuse." Arthur said sincerely before looking to Gwen. "I am truly sorry for how I've treated you Guinevere and I hope this makes up for it, at least a little." Gwen smiled kindly while blushing under his serious gaze.

"I thank you for your apology Arthur, you are forgiven." She replied and Arthur beamed.

"Good, because if you didn't my dear fiance would have gutted me like a fish for having offended you." Arthur joked and everyone laughed at that. The meal continued in a jovial manner and soon there wasn't a crumb left as they spoke about various topics.

Rowan was laughing at a joke his mother had told when he sensed sinister intent coming from beyond the house, he immediately dropped his barriers and cast his mind out to find the assassin stood outside with a crossbow pointed at his father's chest. Without thinking he dived out of his chair and tackled his father to the floor barely in time to hear the crossbow bolt fly over his head and imbed in the wall across the room.

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