The Curse of Cornelius Sigan (Part 3)

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True to his word, once Arthur had finished with the council meetings and other business he went to visit Merlyn grabbing a decent plate of food from the kitchens on his way as an afterthought. He arrived and gently knocked before entering to find Gaius sat mixing potions at the table, Gaius looked up and raised a brow waiting for Arthur to speak.

"Is Merlyn awake?" Arthur asked gently and Gaius smiled faintly before nodding and tilting his head toward the door at the back of the room. Arthur straightened himself before moving toward to door and opening it gently, he was first greeted with the sight of the twins sprawled on the cot that he noticed was becoming rapidly too small for them both as they each had an arm or leg hanging off while they both snored away. Arthur smiled faintly before edging around the door to find Merlyn lying on her mattress with her pillows propped up against the small wardrobe so she could sit up. She had a candle beside her as she read from an old tome, she had dark circles under her eyes and a nasty looking bruise on her temple; Arthur's heart clenched at the sight and he quietly cleared his throat to alert her to his presence. Merlyn snapped her head up at the sound in fright then immediately relaxed when she saw who it was.

"Arthur, do you need something?" She asked keeping her voice low as to not disturb the sleeping warlocks.

He holds up the plate piled with food. "I brought you some dinner." He replies and he watches Merlyn looked surprised then smile, her eyes crinkling in the corners taking his breath away. He moves toward her and she shifts over and pats the spot beside her for him to sit, he does, leaning back against the lumpy pillows and aligning his side flush with hers and setting the plate between them. Merlyn closes the tome and places it on the floor beside her before tentatively reaching over and taking a piece of cheese and nibbling on it.

Arthur takes a moment to study her up close and notices the unhealthy sharpness of her cheekbones and her thin wrists that look like the slightest grip could shatter them. Even sitting this close he can feel that her body is cold while his skin practically radiates heat, he notices the painful jutting of her collar bones and decides to speak.

"Merlyn." Merlyn turns to look at him with a piece of chicken halfway to her mouth. "Why... Why didn't you tell me you weren't eating properly, if at all?" His voice is filled with guilt and Merlyn lowers the piece of food along with her eyes and sighs.

"You have so much going on all the time, I didn't want to bother you with it. Besides I've always been the kind of person that forgets to eat when I'm busy because I just don't feel hungry." Merlyn keeps her head bowed as she speaks and Arthur feels responsible for working her so hard and not paying attention to whether she eats or not.

Arthur reaches down and takes her hand in his and almost flinches at how icy cold it is. "Merlyn, you need to make sure your eating. I don't want you making yourself sick because you don't eat, you're my intended and I care whether or not you're eating and keeping yourself healthy." He whispered heartfeltly and Arthur watched as tears pricked her eyes before he pulled her into his side and kissed her temple. "I know we tease and joke around all the time but I need you strong, for me, for our children. From now on when you fetch my meals I want you to bring two plates with you always and you're going to eat every piece of food until I'm satisfied." Arthur warned her and Merlyn chuckled before gazing up at him with her sparkling ocean blue eyes.

"You're just trying to fatten me up so I can't tease you anymore." She grinned playfully poking his sides.

"I'm not fat!" He cried indignantly and Merlyn laughed brightly.

"Don't worry my love, it just means there's more of you to love." She teased before snuggling against his side while Arthur sputtered. Arthur turned his head away flushing from the tips of his ears down his neck and Merlyn pouted playfully before kissing her way up his neck to gently tug his earlobe with her teeth.

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