The Witch's Quickening (Part 3)

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Arthur did indeed order guards stationed on Morgana's door and since Rowan was awake most of the night after sleeping most of the day he kept an eye on her from afar. The King had questioned Arthur's order to which the Prince had lied saying that the renegades were planning to hurt Morgana so he was simply being cautious until they were dealt with. The King readily agreed so Morgana was trapped in her room without any way out since Rowan had cast a spell that would stop any sleeping enchantments from being used on the guards. By the first rays of dawn everyone was well-rested and suiting up, Leon had been let in on the plan and was down readying the rest of the knights while Merlyn helped Arthur into his armour.

Rowan was doing the same for Arty with a grim expression. "I wish I could be there with you." He mumbled under his breath before hissing in pain as he shifted the wrong way.

Arty huffed a laugh. "Don't worry brother, we'll be okay; plus you got to go on all the adventures while I was injured so it's only fair."

Rowan harumphed before tapping his shoulder to let him know he was done and wandered over to his father's jewellery box. He dug around before pulling out the amulet Merlyn had made for Arthur and handed it to the Prince who blinked in surprise. "Wear this, it will protect you from any wayward spells." Rowan told his father who smiled before nodding in thanks and slipping it over his head then tucking it under his armour.

Arthur then placed a hand on his son's shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry, I'm sure your mother will make sure I'm safe at all times, all you need to do is rest up so you can heal faster and be back to helping us again in no time." Rowan smiled faintly and nodded before hugging his father's waist carefully as to not jostle his ribs, Arthur chuckled and patted his back before running his finger through his hair.

Merlyn stepped out from behind the changing screen wearing some light armour that Arthur had insisted upon. She had on a black leather corset with short pauldrons on each shoulder, black leather braces designed for an archer with hidden blades inside, a new pair of black breeches and boots with a new Camelot red linen blouse with some light chainmail similar to what Morgana wore to Ealdor, all in all, she was looking drop-dead gorgeous.

"How does it look?" Merlyn asked rather shyly tucking her free-flowing hair behind her ear, Arthur opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water.

"You look fabulous darling!" Rowan crowed in a high pitched feminine voice while waving his hand frivolously in the imitation of a lady.

Merlyn and Arty burst out laughing while Arthur turned bright red and tried to hide his laugher behind his hand and failed miserably. Arthur finally managed to swallow down his laughter before answering. "You look stunning Merlyn." He told her sincerely before stepping forward to kiss the smile off her face.

Once they parted Rowan ushered her over to the bed and told her to sit while he climbed up behind her and took a comb to her hair. Within the span of a few minutes he'd tamed the tangled mess into four small braids, two at each temple that joined up to one large plait that ran down the centreline of her skull and halfway down her back. She stood and looked in the mirror gaping at how much she looked like a pagan warrior all that was missing was some woad but she knew if she did the King would have her burned for that alone.

She turned back to Rowan who was smiling with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Thank you." She told him softly.

Rowan carefully slid off the bed and gave her a shallow bow. "Of course, My Queen." He replied with a wicked smile as Merlyn gaped in shock before her eyes flicked to Arthur who was smirking in approval of her new look.

Merlyn snorted before picking up her quiver and placing it over her shoulder before doing the same with her bow, she strapped on the short sword Arthur had gifted her as well as some daggers before turning back with a small smirk. "Let's get that crystal back."

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