The Fires of Idirsholas (Part 2)

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Merlyn and Arthur raced into the city and dismounted hastily at the entrance to find the guards passed out by the gates. Merlyn immediately checked them and found them still alive breathing deeply like they were asleep. 

"Are they dead?" Arthur asks worriedly. 

Merlyn shakes her head. "No. They're breathing."

Arthur looks around nervously. "What's happened to them?"

"I don't know." Merlyn murmurs as she climbs to her feet before jogging toward the courtyard with Arthur following. Once inside the courtyard, they find knights and guards strew about and Merlyn feels her magic flaring as there is a constant hum of dark magic in the air.

"What's going on?" Arthur growls in frustration before turning to the sound of hoofbeats, A horse comes into the Square with a cart, the driver fast asleep.

"They're enchanted." Merlyn mutters and Arthur turns to her with wide eyes before she suddenly gasps. "The children!" She cries before bolting toward the physician's chambers with Arthur running after her.

 As they race through the halls people are passed out on the staircases and floors and Arthur feels dread pooling in his stomach. Merlyn slams the door open to find her mentor passed out peacefully on a stack of books, she hurries over and desperately tries to wake him but to no avail.

Arthur races past into the back room and feels his heart jump into his throat when he sees his raven-haired son passed out like the others but seemingly trying to fight off a fever. Arthur hurries to Rowan's side and places the back of his hand on his brow and frowns in worry. "Merlyn!" He calls, footsteps announce her approach. "He's burning up." He tells her and she quickly checks his temperature and hisses before placing her palm on his brow and letting her eyes burn gold.  

Merlyn's eyes widen as she pulls her hand away. "He's fighting the spell." She tells him before hurrying back down to retrieve a cool wet cloth and place it on the boy's brow, he sighs in his sleep as the cloth cools him slightly. 

Arthur looks around and notices the empty bed. "Arty's not here." He tells her and Merlyn whips her head around before she draws in a sharp breath.

"His sword is missing." She whispers. "We have to find him." Arthur nods in agreement before Merlyn carefully scoops up her youngest son and carries him behind Arthur as they begin searching the castle. Arthur and Merlyn pass Morgana's Chambers and noticing the open door go inside. Arthur notices Gwen curled up on the floor and carefully moves her to the bed while Merlyn lays Rowan beside her.

They begin looking around and Arthur notices the curtains shift, Arthur draws his sword and pulls Morgana out from behind it startling them both as Morgana screams. "It's me! It's me, Morgana! What's happened?" Arthur shouted trying to be heard over her screaming and flailing. 

Morgana stops moving to stare at him wide-eyed. "I didn't know it was you!"

"Calm down, Morgana. Just tell me what happened." Arthur says calmly while Morgana trembles. 

"People were complaining, saying they weren't feeling well." She stuttered out as she looks to the bed to see Gwen and Rowan's sleeping forms. 

"And what then?" Merlyn asks arms crossed. 

Tears sprang to Morgana's eyes as she continued. "They started falling asleep. Everyone, everywhere I went."

"Was someone here?" Arthur asked at a loss as to how everyone was asleep. Morgana shakes her head and Arthur groans in frustration before stepping back. Arthur considers for a moment and before he can launch another tirade of questions  Morgana screams as a dagger barely misses her and sinks into the stone wall.

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