The Witch's Quickening (Part 2)

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Arthur stood stiffly before his father as the King paced angrily at the news of the missing magical item from the vaults. "You're sorry? That's not good enough. Did they force their way in?" Uther snapped while Arthur carefully kept his expression neutral.

"No, Sire." He replied cooly.

Uther's eyes blazed dangerously. "Then how did they gain access to the vault?"

Arthur's eyes briefly flicked to Merlyn before he answered. "They stole the keys."

"How is that possible?!" Uther bellowed furiously.

Arthur shrugged nonchalantly. "Someone broke into my chambers."

Uther turned away and sat upon his throne with a flourish before glaring down at Arthur. "This is a grievous loss, Arthur. The Crystal of Neahtid was locked away for good reason." He grumbled.

Arthur cocked his head curiously. "Why is it so important?"

Uther huffed. "It is an instrument of magic. In the days of the Purge, a great many sorcerers died trying to protect it. Whatever it is, it's important to them." He finished with a sneer while Arthur fought to keep his emotions from his face.

"I'll search the town, find out what I can." Arthur replied, voice slightly strained.

"Arthur, this crystal cannot fall into enemy hands." Uther called out as Arthur made his way to the door.

Arthur paused before nodding faintly. "Yes, Sire."

Merlyn and Arty quickly followed the Prince into the corridor and waited till they were far from the council chambers before Merlyn spoke up. "I'll go see if Gaius knows anything about the crystal." She told Arthur quietly. Arthur nodded as Merlyn split off and Arty continued following him down into the lower town to see if they could find anything before agreeing to meet up later and confront Morgana.

Once Merlyn returned to the physician's chambers she told him all that had transpired over the past twenty-four hours as she helped him make a few potions and clean the room, Gaius had been just as surprised by the revelation of Morgana's betrayal as they all were.

"Morgana stole the crystal?" Her mentor choked out in shock.

Merlyn nodded grimly as she paced slowly. "Yes, I caught her stealing the keys and confronted her. I gave her a choice and she has chosen to betray us."

"Merlyn, you go accusing the King's ward without proof, you'll be putting your own head on the chopping block." Gaius warned her with a pointed look.

"I know. You're right." Merlyn sighed before sitting on a chair and running her hair through her hair in frustration.

"Doesn't make sense. Why would Morgana steal such a thing?" Gaius mused as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"Uther said it was an instrument of magic. That, and Morgana suddenly wants him dead after that stranger sweet-talked her into stealing it using Mordred as an incentive." Merlyn replied while picking the dirt from under her nails casually.

"There are many legends about the Crystal." Gaius said thoughtfully.

Merlyn raised a brow. "Is it some kind of weapon?" She asked.

Gaius shrugged. "That I don't know."

"You've heard of it?" Merlyn asked curiously.

Gaius nodded. "Indeed. The sorcerers of the past believed it held the secret of time itself." He informed her and Merlyn sat up suddenly VERY interested.

"What do they mean by that?" She asked leaning forward eagerly.

"I'm not sure. The crystal's an artefact of the Old Religion. There is only one who could tell you more." Gaius told her pointedly.

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