The Sins of the Father (Part 2)

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Rowan was making his rounds of the castle when he saw a flash of movement down the corridor and hurried to follow, a cloaked figure stood outside Morgana's door and whispered a spell before moving inside. Rowan gritted his teeth and moved forward silently until he reached the door, using the shadows he slipped inside and almost choked when he saw Morgause standing at the end of Morgana's bed. He noticed Morgana was shifting restlessly in her bed and Morgause smiled softly before taking off her bracelet.

She held it before her. "Gefultuma híe þæt heo onslæpe." She whispered, her eyes flashing orange before placing the bracelet at the end of the bed and moving back towards the door. Once she was gone Rowan stepped out of the shadows and picked up the bracelet which gave off a powerful spell designed to suppress one's dreams or in Morgana's case nightmares.

He considered leaving it but didn't trust Morgause in the slightest and instead took it with him and hid it under the floorboards with the other items of magic. Morgana needed to learn how to control her dreams not suppress them, doing so would only make them worse but Rowan kept the bracelet just in case she couldn't and needed it. With a sigh, he flopped onto the bed on the floor since Arty had the other to himself because of his injuries and his mother had moved into the 'antechamber' in Prince Arthur's room though she actually slept in his bed most nights. He pulled the blankets over his head and sighed again before burying himself in their warmth letting them drag him into a bone-tired sleep.


The next morning Arthur decided to go for a ride and brought his horse to the drawbridge gate only to find Morgause saddling her horse ready for departure. He noticed the bandaged arm and leg as well as the bandage around her head for her ear which she didn't lose but was badly damaged from the dagger.

She looked irritated as Arthur stopped his horse beside her, she turned to see him and her face became a calm mask. Arthur gave her an awkward smile. "You're a skilful swordsman. Woman. Swords... swordswoman." He stuttered before wincing at his cringy opening.

She gave him a small amused smile before replying. "I must say that boy was quite the formidable opponent." She remarked.

Arthur smiled. "Trained him myself, his brother is just as good if not better but he had an accident recently." Arthur stopped himself suddenly and smiled warily at the sorceress.

"You showed yourself to be a man of honour. You inherited that trait from your mother." She said suddenly and Arthur blinked in surprise.

"You knew my mother?" He asked sceptically. 

Morgause gave him a private smile. "I knew her very well." She turned and went to mount her horse but Arthur stopped her with a  hand on her arm.

"Wait, what do you know." He asked trying to keep the desperation out of his voice.

She paused and studied him appraisingly for a moment before smiling. "Come to me three days hence and I will tell you everything about your mother." She promised sincerely before reaching out and petting his horse's head.

He considered for a moment not fully trusting her. "How will I find you?"

"When the time comes, you will know your way." She replied cryptically before turning and swinging up onto her horse albeit jerkily due to her leg injury.

Arthur frowned in confusion. "If I don't show up it might be because I don't know where I'm going." He told her with a raised brow.

She smiled amusedly down at him. "The path you must follow will become clear to you." She said before kicking her horse into a trot and making her way out of the city leaving behind a confused but slightly hopeful Prince.

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