The Nightmare Begins (Part 2)

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Later that night, Rowan sat drawing with ink on a piece of parchment to calm his mind when the door banged open, causing him to jolt and spill the dark liquid all over his work, ruining it completely. With a curse, he quickly righted the bottle and grabbed a cloth to mop it up before turning to the door with a glare to find a terrified Morgana causing his expression to immediately soften.

"Is Gaius here?" Morgana asked barely above a whisper.

"Er, no he's not here at the moment. He should be back soon though." Rowan informed her while crumpling the ruined parchment and throwing it in the open fireplace.

Morgana wrung her hands nervously. "I need to speak to him. Where is he?"

"He's gone to see the King." Rowan replied rubbing his hand down his face tiredly before turning to see how frightened Morgana was and quietly approached her taking her hands in his smaller ones. "What's wrong? You can trust me, Aunty. You know you can." Rowan coaxed her softly.

Morgana hesitated for a moment before replying, her voice cracking with emotion. "I'm scared, Rowan. I don't understand anything anymore. I need to know what's happening. Please."

"Gaius will be back soon. He'll be able to help you." Rowan replied rubbing her hands gently.

Morgana pulled away and paced like a caged animal. "He won't. I don't any more remedies. They won't do any good. It's magic, Rowan." Morgana murmured the last part and Rowan stiffened, shocked that she would actually admit it to him.


"I'm your friend, you know I wouldn't make this up." Morgana said her voice slightly hysterical.

"Of course." Rowan answered calmly.

"Then you believe me? You think it's magic too. Please, Rowan, I just need to hear someone say it so I don't have to keep feeling like I'm imagining it." Morgana sobbed as she began breaking down.

Rowan watched the strong woman made of iron begin to crumble like stone as the fear of what she was becoming consumed her like a vicious poison and felt helpless. If he told her it was nothing to worry about then her magic would get out of control and the wrong people would notice eventually, namely the King. But if he told her the truth she could finally understand what her dreams meant and learn to control it and become a great asset to Camelot and the future of Albion or she could still spiral and be terrified of her magic and Uther which was a very dangerous situation for everyone involved. So he decided to take a chance.

"Aunty, come sit." He coaxed her gently pulling her over to the table and sat her down before sitting next to her and turning to face her and take her hands making sure she was focusing on what he was about to say. He hesitated only a moment longer before sighing. "Yes Aunty, you have magic."

Morgana blinked in shock and opened her mouth to speak but Rowan quickly cut her off. "I've suspected for a while after you came to Gaius talking about your dreams and how they would come true." He took a deep breath before continuing. "After a little bit of research, I've concluded that you are a Seer. Seers can see the future or possible futures, it differs from person to person. Some see visions in their sleep while some use other tools to see but it is a gift you are born with making you a Witch, not a Sorceress." He paused letting the information sink in.

"H-How do you know all this?" Morgana asked confused.

Rowan huffed a laugh. "Well let's just say if it wasn't for several banned books on magical beast and beings we wouldn't have survived several of the past attacks, that and my brother and I were born in a druid camp because our mother couldn't find a midwife so she went to the druids and we learned a thing or two." Rowan then released one of her hands and held his hand out palm up. "Forbearnan" Rowan whispered causing a sliver flame to spring to life in his palm.

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