Beauty and the Beast(Part 1)

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Winter was beginning to loosen its grip on the land of Albion as the first signs of spring bloomed through the melting snow. Unfortunately, the melting snow had made the lower town a mud pit with the number of people that were out and about now that winter was ending. Merlyn was doing her best to keep her feet under her as she follows Gauis through the lower town while laden with an exorbitant amount of clay pots which were clacking together loudly as she trudged along.

"Keep up, Merlyn. We've got a busy day ahead." Gaius called as he breezed through the denizens of the lower town while Merlyn struggled to keep up as she tried to clumsily push through them.

"It's a busy day every day. You and Arthur, you work me to the bone." Merlyn grumbled back as he back began to ache from both the weight and the constant strain of trying to stay on her feet.

Gaius huffed at her grumblings. "Do stop moaning. At least the work's interesting."

Merlyn stared at him incredulously. "Gaius, we're collecting pots. We do the same thing every Thursday at exactly the same time and nothing interesting ever happens." She stated and it was as if the gods had heard her grumbling and decided to show her just how easily they could ruin her week when a man grabbed her by the arm nearly sending her and the pots into the mud.

"Please, we seek Uther Pendragon. Where can he be found?" The strange man asked with a hiss. Merlyn blinked at the man as he pushed a seal into her palm. "We have urgent business with the King." The man urged her.

Gaius stepped forward and took the seal from Merlyn's hand. "I'm sorry, any business you have with the King will have to be pursued through the usual channels." Gaius looked down at the seal and his eyes widened in shock. "But this is the seal of the House of Tregor. Where did you get this?" He asks suspiciously.

"It does not belong to me." The man replies and takes a step back as another stranger steps forward and pulls back their hood to reveal a beautiful middle-aged woman with creamy white skin and dark brown hair.

"It belongs to me." The woman states.

Gaius's eyes flash with recognition before he bows respectfully. "My Lady." Merlyn gapes in shock as Gaius continues to bow. "Merlyn!" He hisses causing Merlyn to quickly bow. Once they finish bowing Gaius politely agrees to take them straight to the King and sent Merlyn ahead to want the King of the arrival of Lady Catrina of the House of Tregor.


Merlyn waits on the sidelines as Gaius enters with the supposed Lady Catrina who sweeps into the room, the epitome of grace while Gaius comes to stand by Merlyn.

"Lady Catrina, is it really you?" Uther asks in awe as he stands from his throne and makes his way to the Lady's side.

"I can hardly believe it myself." She replies with a graceful bow.

"We had tidings from the north that the House of Tregor had fallen to invaders." Uther said causing Catrina to turn away sharply before looking at the King with a mask of mock pain that Merlyn didn't need her son's mind-reading abilities to see through.

"All that you heard was true, My Lord, and worse." The Lady whispered with false despair.

"Your father, the King?" Uther asked his voice filled with genuine concern.

Catrina sighed and her eyes became moist. "Gone, Sire. The enemy attacked without warning. We were outnumbered five to one. He could not endure. I would never have survived had it not been for my faithful servant Jonas." Catrina praised indicating the skinny weasel of a man that set her nerves on edge. "But we did survive, and we have made it this far..." Catrina trails off as she suddenly swoons into Uther's arms causing Merlyn to roll her eyes so hard she thought they'd pop out and roll across the floor.

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