Winter Solstice (Part 3)

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Leon was both nervous as hell and unbelievably excited as the beautiful druid girl led him inside her tent. He took a moment to look around at her humble abode to try and get a measure of her character. He found only one bed of fur pelts on the floor indicating she lived alone along with several personal items and some beautiful drawings of people and landscapes either hanging on the walls of the tent or scattered on several surfaces but the space was quite barren like she was only here temporarily. He paused to gently pick up a half-finished portrait of a smiling woman Leon didn't recognize and smiled faintly at the detail. Angela gently cleared her throat and Leon looked up to see the nervous blush tinting her cheeks.

"They're not that good." She murmured humbly and Leon smiled.

"Quite the contrary, these are amazing. Rowan, Merlyn's son, is a wonderful artist, he'd love these." Leon complimented before returning the parchment to its original position before turning to the shy girl before him.

He smiled kindly at her. "We don't have to do anything, we can just talk if you'd like." He told her gently and she sighed before removing her flower crown and placing it to one side. She then smiled seductively before approaching Leon and running her hands up his chest to cup his face and pull him down for a sweet kiss. Leon lent into the kiss and placed his hands respectfully on her waist as she tangled her fingers in his curly blond hair before teasing his mouth open with her tongue and deepening the kiss.

They both pulled away breathless and she stretched up on her toes to gently nuzzled under his bearded chin before pulling away to look into his eyes adoringly. "We have a lifetime to talk but for now..." She purred as she slipped a petite hand under his shirt and ran it up his bare chest sending a shiver of pleasure through his body. She grinned in response before helping him out of his shirt and fur cloak leaving his chest bare, she ran an appreciative hand down his chiselled chest to the rim of his trousers, eyes devouring every curve and muscle. She then stepped forward and placed a reverent kiss on his chest as she stealthily undid the laces of his breeches and let them fall to the floor leaving him in his smalls.

Leon gasped as she gracefully dropped to her knees as if bowing before a king and nuzzled against his half-hard cock. She hummed in contentment while Leon struggled to get his brain to work, she placed a kiss on his clothed bulge causing it to twitch eagerly before she reached up and gently took the waistband of his smalls between her fingers. She paused to ask permission with her eyes, Leon swallowed thickly and nodded while blushing furiously as she smirked and pulled his smalls down to his ankles freeing his stiff cock.

He watched as she marvelled at its length before taking it in one of her tiny hands, which barely fit around it, and began pumping him in a slow rhythm. Leon let out a breathy moan which caused her to giggle before she shuffled forward to tentatively lick the tip causing Leon to gasp in shock before she slowly took him in, choking slightly when he was only about halfway in.

"An...Angela." He whispered as she smiled around his cock before she began moving him in and out of her tight heat and wriggling her tongue deliciously around his throbbing length. The bit she couldn't fit inside she worked with her hand, she used her other hand to gently play with his balls which had his legs trembling as pleasure curled hot in his gut. Leon let out a rattling moan as he tangled his fingers in her chocolate locks and began guiding her head faster and faster as his climax built. She gently grazed her teeth along his cock as she sucked him at a blinding pace pushing him closer to the edge before his peak hit and he cried out as he jerked her head forward as he spilt his seed down her tight throat.

She choked but swallowed every drop until he finished before letting her go and stumbling back to lean on the table as his legs shook violently. Leon panted while she watched him with a predatory glint in her eye, she then stood and unclasped her dress letting it fall to the floor in a sigh of cloth before she prowled toward him naked except for the left-facing crescent moon of the Maiden painted on her forehead. She took his head in her hands forcing him to look at her and Leon's breath hitched at the vision before him.

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