Freya (Part 3)

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Merlyn was helping Gaius with some chores when Rowan came out of the backroom and began searching the many bookshelves pulling out several books, the thing that had Merlyn and everyone else in the room gaping in shock was that Rowan was bloody well humming. Which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't sound so damn happy, Rowan was never this happy or at least he didn't show it outwardly and Merlyn was intrigued. 

"Everything alright love?" Merlyn asked as she cleaned some of Gaius's glass beakers and bottles.

Rowan turned his head and grinned brightly. "Yeah, why?" He asked as he grabbed another book.

Merlyn blinked in surprise before shifting her gaze to Arty who was watching him with a similar expression. "You're humming." She pointed out and Rowan frowned slightly.

"Oh, sorry." He replied before turning back to the books, there was silence for nearly a minute before he began humming again with a faint smile on his face.

Arty suddenly squawked in outrage before placing a scandalised hand on his chest. "You would dare hide such a thing from me? Your own brother?" 

Rowan jerked his head up in shock before carefully schooling his features. "I don't know what you're talking about." And that was the wrong thing to say.]

Arty gaped at him before huffing and placing his hands on his hips as he leant against the main table keeping the weight off his leg. "You've met a girl, I can tell. Who is she? What's her name?" He asked with a victorious grin.

Rowan turned white as a sheet before the tips of his ears turned bright red, Merlyn grinned. "I-I didn't, I don't even know what gave you the idea." He stuttered out keeping his face turned away in embarrassment. 

Merlyn left the glassware and walked over to pull her son against her side and give him a teasing smile. "She must be a real beauty to catch your attention." Merlyn joked, the blush crept along his cheeks and down his neck as he refused to answer her. Merlyn chuckled before crouching down and turning her son to face her and giving him an understanding smile. "I understand that you're embarrassed by you don't have to be, you can talk to us, we'll listen." She told him gently, some mention released from his shoulders and he sighed before his expression became sad.

He was hesitant at first but eventually, he sighed and sat down preparing himself to explain. "You know the druid girl that escaped?" He said calmly, Merlyn and Arty exchanged a glance before nodding. Rowan rubbed his hands together nervously. "I was the one that broke her out." The was a pregnant silence but Rowan continued quickly. "She's only my age but there was something about her that drew me in, I didn't realise what it was until today when I was comforting her..." He trailed off, eyes moist with tears as he gnawed his lip nervously.

Merlyn understood that look and reached out to take his hand giving it a comforting squeeze, Rowan squeezed back and nodded before drawing in a shaky breath. "She's my soulmate." He finished, Arty and Merlyn gasped in shock while Rowan continued to look miserable.

"Well, that's good, isn't it?" Arty asked concerned at the sorrowful look on his brother's face.

Rowan let out a breath and a tear fell. "She's the one who killed the guard who was found this morning, she's under a blood curse." He concluded his voice filled with anguish.

Merlyn immediately pulled him in for a hug and rubbed gentle circles in his back. "Oh, sweetheart, I'm so sorry." Merlyn murmured before kissing his temple.

Rowan sniffled but didn't let any more tears fall, he pulled back and moved away to place a hand on the stack of books. "She said she turns into a large cat creature with wings. I won't give up on her, maybe I can change the curse even if I can't break it." He told them with determination before nodding to himself and grabbing the first book from the top of the stack. Arty watched him intently for a moment before grabbing a book and sitting silently as he began helping him look, Rowan gave him a grateful smile and Merlyn smiled at them both before leaving them to it.

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