Sweet Dreams (Part 1)

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When Leon brought Rowan back to Camelot his mother crushed him in a hug that could have crushed a bear's spine and then proceeded to lecture him for around an hour about how worried she was and that if he ever did something like that again she would find him and kick his ass from one side of Albion to the other. Once he'd survived his mother's ranting he faced his father who was angry because his mother had been impossible for days and had nearly driven him mad. But he'd been more understanding, which had surprised Rowan but the worst was his brother.

When Rowan saw his brother, the look of hurt and betrayal had stopped him cold and as Rowan tried to speak to him Arty frowned and glared him down. "You left me behind." He'd growled before proceeding to not speak to him again. A week after his return, the King announced that the Kings of the five kingdoms would be coming to Camelot to sign a peace treaty. Arty had volunteered to help his father as his manservant while his mother would be helping with the Lady Vivian, Rowan had been roped into helping in the kitchen as well as Gaius's rounds.

Arty's leg had healed enough that he could walk (with a slight limp) without assistance, the summer solstice was only a week away and he could feel his magic slipping and healing him quicker than he should be. He was standing a respectful distance behind the King and Prince as they gazed out over the battlements watching the approach of the Kings and their entourages.

"Sire, we're not going into battle, you don't have to look so sombre." Arthur spoke with faint amusement as Uther watched the Kings approach.

"Never before have the rulers of the five kingdoms come together in this way. Never before have we all worked towards the same aim, towards peace. If these talks are successful, Camelot will enter a new era of prosperity. If they fail, we will almost certainly be at war." The King stated grimly before turning and marching toward the entrance, Arthur turned and smiled faintly before following with Arty limping along behind him.

They waited patiently on the courtyard steps as the first King entered, King Alined of Deorham was an older man with a permanent sneer who looked like he'd want to be anywhere else. When he pulled his horse to a stopped at the base of the stairs he threw his cloak down on the ground before dismounting, Arty arched a brow at the man's pretentious behaviour which turned into a glower when he turned to his servant.

"Boy! Is it too much to ask that you might anticipate my needs?" He snarled and the thin willowy man who looked much akin to a rat.

"No, Master. I was just..." He began grovelling before the King raised a hand as if to strike, the man cowered.

"Stop whining." Alined snapped angrily. 

The man bowed his head in fear. "Sorry, Master." He mumbled. 

Uther watched the exchange uncaringly, when Alined approached he smiled wide and raised his arms in welcome. "Alined, you are most welcome on this momentous occasion." They clasped arms in greeting, a faux smile of joy on both their faces.

"Momentous? Let us hope so." He said with a smile edged with ice, Arty made a mental note to have his brother check out all the Kings for any underhanded plots or schemes which were basically a given especially since his father seemed to have a talent for pissing off anything with magic or anyone who's of royal blood.

Once King Alined had moved up the stairs a little further with his manservant they all waited as King Olaf of Anglia and his daughter Lady Vivian clattered into the courtyard. The Lady Vivian was quite the beauty, thin, blonde and fair-skinned. She dismounted gracefully and flashed a pretty smile at her father then at the gathered Camelot welcoming party, Arty looked up and his father when he sighed and grumbled under his breath. 

Olaf approaches Uther with a genuine grin before they clasped arms in greeting. "What kind of welcome is this? You have us hanging around like the last swallows of summer." Olaf joked and Uther chuckled.

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