The Fires of Idirsholas (Part 3)

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They run in to find a sobbing Morgana sitting in Arthur's favourite chair, she startles at their sudden entrance before sniffling and wiping away her tears. "They're here! They're in the castle!" Merlyn cries as she rushes to the cupboard that keeps Arthur's spare bedding and yanks out a large sheet.

"What are you doing?" Arthur asks as she lays it on the floor and folds the sides inwards slightly.

Merlyn stands and grabs Uther's legs. "Help me move him." Arthur quickly obliges and together they lift the king onto the sheet. "We can use the sheet to drag the King and Twins so either one of us can fight off the knights if we have to." She explains and Arthur grins before pulling her in and sloppily kisses her cheek.

"You're brilliant!" He laughs and Merlyn huffs a laugh.

"Glad to see you acknowledging my genius." She teases and Arthur rolls his eyes playfully.

"I wouldn't say genius..." He quipped back and Merlyn snorted, Arthur quickly hurried to the door and peeked outside while Merlyn placed her children on either side of the King. "I'll go make sure the way is clear, wait here." Merlyn nodded as Arthur hurried out to find a safe place.

Merlyn sits for a moment as she catches her breath, she turns to see Morgana watching her with an anguished expression. "Don't give me that look after you betrayed us." Merlyn snaps irritably.

Morgana flinches before lowing her eyes to the floor. "I never meant for this to happen Merlyn." She replies softly.

Merlyn shot to her feet and stands over Morgana angrily. "What the fuck were you thinking trusting Morgause! She's only ever brought pain to Camelot. If you wanted Uther gone so badly you could have waited, his time will come soon and Arthur will be king... Or it would have if you didn't fuck it up." Merlyn growled as Morgana paled in shock and Merlyn wiped a shaky hand across her face. "I trusted you, Morgana. You were my friend, my kin, my sister... and you let me down." Merlyn turned away shaking her head as tears slipped from her eyes.

Morgana was silent before she stood with a determined look on her face. "I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am Merlyn, for all of it. I-I was scared and Morgause offered me a way out but I see now all she wants is power." Morgana's voice was bitter at Morgauses actions. Merlyn turned to face Morgana showing she was listening. Morgana took a breath and met her eyes fiercely. "I will make this right, I promise I'll do whatever it takes." 

Merlyn smiled faintly before glancing at her children, her heart clenching in worry before her features hardened and she turned back to stare Morgana down. "Even if it means dying to break the curse?" Merlyn asked coldly. 

Morgana hesitated before taking a deep breath and nodding sharply. "I will."

Merlyn nodded in agreement before Arthur came racing in. "We have to move them before Morgause gets here." Arthur panted before moving to grab the top end of the sheet.

"Morgause!" Morgana gasped in shock while Merlyn moved next to Arthur to help him pull. 

"Come on! Let's go!" Arthur shouted before they began to drag the sheet with Morgana trailing with a distraught expression. They dragged the King and Twins into a servent's chambers before leaving them and flopping down on the nearby beds breathing heavily while Morgana drifted over to the window to gaze out over the city.

Arthur wheezed as he tried to catch his breath, sweat pouring out of him from the exhaustion of staying awake. "We can't keep this up much longer. We need to get out of Camelot." He panted. 

Merlyn licked her dry lips and cleared her throat. "When we arrived there was a cart in the main square, remember?" She asked, voice scratchy. 

Arthur huffed a laugh and ruffled her hair. "You are full of good ideas today, Merlyn. You go and look." He told her gesturing toward the door. Merlyn rolled her eyes before uncoiling to her feet and shuffling out of the room tiredly. 

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