Beauty and the Beast (Part 6)

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Rowan stumbled along the halls doing his best to keep himself from hurling all over the corridor floors as he ran for the physician chambers. Once he made it, he almost slammed the door off its hinges as he barreled inside startling everyone.

"Rowan what the..." Arthur began but Rowan slammed a hand over his mouth as he felt the bile rising in his throat.

Arty sensing what was about to happen summoned an empty buck to his hands and shoved it toward his brother who collapsed to his knees and vomited. The others gasped in shock as Rowan continued gaging and throwing up until there was nothing left but stomach acid, Merlyn knelt next to him and gently rubbed his back trying to ease the nausea.

Arthur watched in shock before he shook himself out of his stupor. "Rowan, what the hell happened?" Arthur asked concerned.

Rowan looked up slightly and Arthur was stunned by the haunted look in the boy's eye, Rowan shook his head as he took calming breaths. "I can't... it was too horrific." He whispered quietly.

Arthur immediately jumped to his feet. "My father? Is he alright?" He asked frantically.

Rowan turned even greener than he already was before answering. "If being balls deep in a troll is alright then yeah, sure." Rowan replied sarcastically before dry retching while the others stared in utter bewilderment.  

Arthur turned white then an equal shade of green. "You mean...right now...My father is..." Rowan nodded cutting off that train of thought.

Rowan held out the bucket. "You want the bucket?" Rowan asked with a smile that was more like a grimace.

Arthur took a deep breath and shook his head before standing and heading for the door. "Where are you going?" Merlyn asked with a raised brow.

Arthur paused at the door and turned back with a blank expression. "To throw myself off the ramparts." He replied with a strained voice. Merlyn sighed and rolled her eyes before checking to make sure her son was alright then following after Arthur to make sure he didn't actually throw himself off the ramparts.

"The sad part about all of this..." Arty began. "Is that I have sooo many troll baby jokes that I'm never gonna be able to use." He finished with a childish pout that had Morgana and Leon bursting out in laugher while his brother grimaced at the thought. 


Leon was not thinking it was so funny the next day when he and the council approached the King in a last-ditch effort to convince the King of Catrina's true face. 

Uther looked up confused as the council approached hesitantly. "I wasn't aware we were due to convene the council. What's this about? Come on. Someone speak up."

Gaius looked at the others before taking a deep breath. "I'm afraid it's your wife, Sire."

"Yes, what about her?" Uther asked, slight concern filling his voice.

Gaius grimaced before continuing. "It's a rather delicate matter, Sire."

"Gaius, you've been my trusted advisor for many years. You can speak as you will." Uther prompted while Gaius regarded him sceptically. 

"I don't suppose it's escaped your notice, Sire, but we just...just wanted to make absolutely certain. You do realise your wife is a troll, Sire." He told him plainly while the King looked shocked, then offended.

"I beg your pardon?" Uther growled but Gaius ploughed ahead.

"At least that's the way she looks to us. What with the warts, and the nose..." Gaius trailed off his voice filled with disgust.

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